You'll find discussions for Reckon Point of Sale (Desktop) & Cloud POS here!
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Please see our latest KB if you are having an issue installing the virtual COM Port driver for your new Senor TP-100 receipt printer. Or if you are trying to install it on new PC and unable to get it to work. Or If the driver keeps disappearing or reappearing in device manager.
i have retail point of sale 2007/08 and when i go into my transaction history in the terminal it wont allow me to see previous transactions... the list is there but if i click on a transaction it wont show it in the viewing section. does anyone have any ideas how i can fix this? i am running windows 7 and up until a couple…
Hey, Want to transfer customer balances but it says EOD not completed on all terminals! It is!! although one terminal shows a balance on the terminal status screen. I have checked for on hold transactions, I have processed EOD then closed then posted. Still can not rectify... Any ideas? Thanks.
Thanks in advance for any advice/solutions from the community here. Background - we are running two POS terminals in our business linked to QB, and I understand that the Reckon software is a tad "old" being the 2010/11 version but it has worked seamlessly until last week ! Problem : when we opened on Sunday morning the POS…
Hi Community, Hoping someone can help me. We are using Reckon Accounts Plus 2015 paired with Reckon POS Professional 2015. I installed these 2 programs on a new laptop today (after speaking to tech support on how to do that) and restored the company from backup and called the new company file "*current" as the new company…
Duplicate transaction numbers when postind pos data to quickbooks, Have reset pos tranaction numbers starting from 30000 issue continues intermitantly
retail point of sales proffessional 2010/11 when i try do end of day, its adding to yesterday sales too its start on monday and it has been adding all week its going to eror code : Run-time 429 ActiveX component can t create object. could you please help me
I have "Retail Point of Sale 2011/2012", "Quickbooks Premer Retail Edition 2011-12". I had entered all the products and promotions (6 pk and slabs) into the system. I am in the process of selling the business and tried to create a new company file to see what was involved. When I returned to current company file - I have…
Are you having an issue with multiple tenders in laybys payment? If you are tendering laybys payment, using multiple payment methods, you may be having an issue on completing the transaction, as it concludes with the first tender option, and do not proceed to tender remaining balance with other tender option. Please see…
Are you using Laybys in POS 2017? Your layby balance can be wrong if you are taking payment via EFTPOS. Please read this KB artile for more information and the workaround.
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