Create Custom Payroll Liabilities - Super payment made/not allocated to individual employee

Caroline_8302366 Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member
edited October 2024 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)

Payroll liabilities payment created for SGC for selected period.  Run the Employee SGA Contribution Report and it shows not all amounts were allocated to the employee for the period selected even though the liability cheque shows correctly on the Bank Register.  Using Reckon Premier 2014.


  • John Graetz
    John Graetz Member Posts: 1,663 Reckon Star Reckon Star
    edited July 2020
    Hi Caroline.  As a preliminary step.  When you select the period involved are you basing this on the end of the pay week, or the date on which the pay was actually paid to your employees through your bank?  The pay week date has no relevance as far as any reports are concerned, as everything works on the date of the actual payment in your books and in your bank (which should be the same).  If your pay week ends on say 31 July but you only make the payment to the employees on 3 August, all recordings, including superannuation and payroll liabilities, are recorded under the date of 3 August and NOT 31 July.  Are you aware of this?  When you create the Liability Payments, it looks to see what has actually been "paid" by payroll (and through your bank account) for that specific period.  John L G

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