RESC Amount not showing in Payment Summaries & Need to Record Nil Paycheque For Adjustments

Lisa_8330393 Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member
edited October 2024 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
Hi, for some reason one of our employees salary sacrifice isn't showing up as RESC on the Payment Summaries. It appears that his salarya/pay template has been set up so that it's all included in the one super calculation (against normal SGC). How can we fix this? I don't normally do the payroll so it's hard for me to know what was set up originally, and in turn how to fix it for the payment summary, and going forward? My initial thoughts on fixing it, has brought in the figure to the RESC field, however it has increased the gross salary, and I can't raise a "dummy" pay cheque (that is, zero salary, zero net figure etc, just solely for the fixing of the RESC amount). They use Accounts Premier Accountant Edition 2015. Thanks


  • DebonAir
    DebonAir Member Posts: 392 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited May 2017
    If the Sal Sac Super has been entered as a separate item then you simply go into the set up of that item and change where it is going.
    Other that than, you might have to go back through each paycheque and make the corrections with a new Sal Sac item which has been set up correctly.

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