DATA RECOVERY: How to find the company file location on Reckon Payroll Premier

Datarec_ReckonLtd Reckon Staff Posts: 1,063 Reckon Staff
edited November 2019 in Payroll Premier

Your Reckon Payroll Premier data file set would be comprised of
multiple files with the same name with different file extensions.

<Filename>.<file extension>


Example file names:

 My Company File.QPW

– this is the main data file component which you need to send us

– the main data file component may also appear named My Company File without the QPW file extension


My Company File.QPB – this is a user created company backup file

My Company File.CMP – this is a company backup supplementary file

My Company File.INI – this is a company backup configuration file


My Company File.001 – this is a backup file created after a pay run

My Company File.002 – this is a backup file created after a pay run

My Company File.003 – this is a backup file created after a pay run

My Company File.004 – this is a backup file created after a pay run




Send us the current QPW file

Send us the most recent good backup that is error-free if one exists

Send us the most recent last pay run backup



Your Payroll Premier data file would be stored in the “DATA” folder whilst the backup files would be in the BACKUP folder.



DATA RECOVERY: How to find a data file using Windows Search


Click on the My Computer icon on your desktop (if present) and go to the main hard disk drive where the payroll program is installed.


Example: C:\Program Files\Payroll Premier\QPROLLV28

Locate the QPROLLVXX folder where the payroll program is installed (where XX represents the version)


  • V26 = 2017
  • V27 = 2018
  • V28 = 2019
  • V29 = 2020


Locate the DATA subfolder where you can find the current company data file that requires analysis.

Example folder paths:



C:\Program Files\Payroll Premier\QPROLLV28\DATA

Example file names:

 My Company File.QPW

– this is the main data file component which you need to send us

– the main data file component may also appear named My Company File without the QPW file extension


Locate the BACKUP subfolder where you can find the current company backup files and last pay run backups 



C:\Program Files\Payroll Premier\QPROLLV28\BACKUP

Example file names:

My Company File.QPB – this is a user created company backup file

My Company File.CMP – this is a company backup supplementary file

My Company File.INI – this is a company backup configuration file


My Company File.001 – this is a backup file created after a pay run

My Company File.002 – this is a backup file created after a pay run

My Company File.003 – this is a backup file created after a pay run

My Company File.004 – this is a backup file created after a pay run