Incorrect tax amounts on journal transactions

Nic Berces
Nic Berces Member Posts: 3
edited April 2020 in Reckon API
Hello, support.

I'm trying to POST a new journal entry to:<book-ID>/journals

... and keep receiving an HTTP 400 response with the following message:

Journal transaction an incorrect tax amount. Expected $2.11 but found $2.10.

My POST request has the following body:

    "AmountTaxStatus": 2,
    "JournalDate": "2020-04-30T01:28:58+00:00",
    "JournalStatus": 2,
    "Summary": "Invoice #8 (raised 2020-04-30)",
    "Transactions": [
            "Narration": "Foo (Membership Fees)",
            "TransType": 1,
            "Credit": 21.05,
            "AmountTaxStatus": 2,
            "TaxAmount": 2.1,
            "TaxGroupId": "<GST tax code UUID>",
            "AccountingCategoryID": "<account UUID>"
            "Narration": "Bar",
            "TransType": 1,
            "Credit": 2,
            "AmountTaxStatus": 1,
            "TaxAmount": 0,
            "TaxGroupId": "<FRE tax code UUID>",
            "AccountingCategoryID": "<account UUID>"
            "AccountingCategoryID": "<account UUID>",
            "AmountTaxStatus": 1,
            "Debit": 25.15

In summary, I'm trying to create a journal entry with three lines: 2 credits and 1 debit. The first credit is for $23.15 ($21.05 + $2.10 GST). The second credit if for $2.00 (GST-free). The debit is the balancing line for $25.15.

I can successfully create the journal entry via the GUI, with the GUI correctly calculating the GST amount of $2.10.

I feel as though this may be a rounding error at the API endpoint.