Jobkeeper when purchasing a business

Brooke Member Posts: 19 Reckoner Reckoner
edited September 2020 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
Our company has purchased another business starting 1 September. Both businesses were/are Jobkeeper eligible.  I understand we can continue to claim Jobkeeper for the continuing employees.  When they are paid for the first time by our company, do I need to do anything in Reckon for reporting purposes when I submit the STP data?


  • Eric Murphy
    Eric Murphy Member Posts: 233 Reckon Star Reckon Star
    edited September 2020
    If they've been paid jobkeeper already and have been configured as such then I'd say you don't need to do anything. This is provided you're still using the same software & configuration. Perhaps also speak to the ATO
  • Brooke
    Brooke Member Posts: 19 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited September 2020
    Thanks Eric, I'm continuing to use Reckon but that is not what the previous company used for payroll.  I haven't really been able to find a definitive answer to this question so I think you are right - a phone call to the ATO is in my future!