File Validation PP2020

hodgeef Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member

I am running Personal Plus 2020 and wish to upgrade to 2021. As part of the process I have validated the files but get an error message that says " QEL The old file was corrupt and only some of the data has been recovered" "QEL all internal consistency checks passed" also "QDF No Error". I then Super Validated the files but still get the same error message. My software is running on Windows 10 on a VM with the Mac running Big Sur. I have had this combination for 7 years and never had an issue previously when upgrading Reckon.

Any suggestions ?


  • hodgeef
    hodgeef Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member

    To resolve the problem I have had to revive a old Window computer to install Reckon Personal Plus to receive support which I needed as part of the transfer. Support advised that an .RKN zip file was the way to transfer the files to the new PC. Upon opening the file I noticed that all the historical share prices were missing but support said only the last 5 days were available. Thankfully I had also created a. Non .RKN backup which I used to manually replace the QPH file in the directory. All seems to be working and the file validation and upgrade to 2021 also worked. But disappointed that the recommended backup method to an .RKN file does not capture the historical share prices.