open purchase order report by class

Bec_7112871 Member Posts: 3
edited September 2018 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
I have assigned class codes to Purchase Order lines, but when I run an open purchase order report, fileterd by class, the purchase orders don't display? Please help, this is an essential report.


  • cosmic
    cosmic Reckon Developer Partner Posts: 1,075 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    To my knowledge, you cant,there has been always lack of report features in the areas of PO/ Suppliers and jobs by class , its more customer focused. for this reason ,we have now got a supplier balance report by jobs available,and this is a separate tool report , seamless and realtime, and getting PO by  Class, can be done as well. will work only on desktop version at this moment.
    let us know .

    Cosmic Accounting Group

    Accountants and Tax Agents 22397009

  • Sally McIntosh, Accredited Consultant
    Sally McIntosh, Accredited Consultant Accredited Partner Posts: 468 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited February 2017

    Hi Bec,

    Do you have different classes on the one purchase order?

    If not, you can add a column for class on the open purchase order report, then you could export to Excel.

    Kind regards,

    Sally McIntosh (