Error: mapi error code 80040700 (1792) at line 1031 in sendemail.cpp

Liam Black
Liam Black Member Posts: 2
edited June 2018 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
Hi, the above error message appears when I try to email one supplier, I have attempted the fix found here:, along with all the usual  troubleshooting and suggested steps for other similar issues.
Any ideas as to how to fix this?


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 15,392 Community Manager Community Manager
    edited June 2018
    Hi Liam,
    A few questions,
    Which version and edition of Reckon Accounts are you using?
    Which operating system are you using and which email client are you using?

    Have there been any changes to your operating environment since the last time you were able to email successfully? ie. Windows updates, Microsoft Office updates etc.

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  • Liam Black
    Liam Black Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2018
    I am running Reckon Accounts Enterprise 2017, on Windows 10 build 1803. the issue has been occurring for 4 months now and there were no significant changes before it started occurring.
    Out of the 5 PCs setup for the data file only one is having the issue.

  • gazza73
    gazza73 Accredited Partner Posts: 803 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited June 2018
    Tricky to ask about this because it is confidential,   but it seems to be just ONE Supplier.  That would make you think it is the SYNTAX CONTENT of the email address or some other aspect of the Supplier's NAME if it is put into the header "TO:" section of the name.   For instance,  

    Gary Pope <>
    is what gets put into the TO: sectin.  If the name part or the email address inside the <xxxx>   part contains a bad CONTROL or hidden character, or perhaps a punctuation cahracter  (like the apostrophe in theexampe of  that other article, at:      then it can bamboozle the syntax handling of the OUTLOOK (or pretty much any other program for email).    

    So,  If the supplier has an unusal hyphenated or apostropeh,  be creative and change it to leave it out for a MOMENT.  Obviously you are stuck with the email address.  But the fact that no OTHER errors for other suppliers are a worry,  AND that you've tried your own email with the bad SUPPLIER,  it does look like it is his NAME, and not his EMAIL address that is at stake here.   So try changing the NAME for a moment to "TEST"  and give it a try ith an email,  and then change it back to something simpler in terms of overall characters, length and no special puncuation like chacacters.  

    BUT:  Totally overwrite the Supplier name.

    Why?  Sometimes you can accidently hold down say the CONTROL button instead of the SHIFT button, and insert a control-sequence as a single chacter that is INVISIBLE to the eye,  but is in fact in the field, and then becomes a porblem when using that DATA later.


    Gary Pope
    m: 0408994799
    An Accredited Partner- Consultant (VIC. Aust)
    “Working with Accountants/Bookkeepers PPs/APs, as an
         independent IT Professional and retired FCPA Accountant”