✅ RESOLVED - Issue with paid pay runs being reverted back to draft status in Reckon Payroll



  • Lorelle
    Lorelle Member Posts: 6 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited January 28

    Staus is Success but reckon is logging me out when I try and go into STP today. the one I thought was a concern orginally was w/e 02/01/2025 which is still showing in draft with STP success however the w/e 09/01/2025 has reported the wrong amount to the ATO for one of the employees also. I am only going off the amount that it shows on when they go in to do their centrelink reporting.

  • Jason_Z
    Jason_Z Reckon Staff Posts: 94 Reckon Staff
    edited January 28

    Hi @Lorelle

    Regarding the pay run reverting to draft, our teams are actively working on a fix and hope to release an update soon.

    As for the incorrect amount sent to the ATO, please note that STP updates YTD balances with each submission. Therefore, as long as you’ve submitted the most recent pay run, your YTD balances should be accurate.

  • cboyce
    cboyce Member Posts: 10 Reckoner Reckoner

    Payrun keeps reverting back to draft. I've created 4 journal entries due to trying to get it to show "done". Looking through the discussions, it was advised to delete the payrun and enter it again. Unfortunately, I am getting an error code when trying to delete the payrun. Also, I was unable to email the pay slip to the employees.

    I understand this is currently an issue.

  • Jason_Z
    Jason_Z Reckon Staff Posts: 94 Reckon Staff
    edited January 28

    Hi @cboyce,

    Thanks for your patience while we work on a fix for that issue. Could you let me know what error you're encountering when trying to delete the pay run?

  • cboyce
    cboyce Member Posts: 10 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited January 28

    Error - ErrorCode occured on trying to delete the pay run. I didn't take a copy of the error code when the payrun would change to done.

  • Reeta
    Reeta Reckon Staff Posts: 186 Reckon Staff
    edited January 28

    Hi @cboyce ,

    We apologize for the difficulties you are experiencing. Our development team is currently addressing this issue as a high priority. In the meantime, if you are receiving an error message, here is a workaround you can use.

    • Go to the "Make Payment" section in your Reckon One book.
    • Delete the payment created for the affected payrun.
    • Go to the "Journals" section and delete all the duplicate journals.
    • Return to the draft pay-run and delete the pay-run.
    • This should allow you to delete the pay-run successfully.

    Let me know if you need any further assistance!!

    Kind regards,


  • Jason_Z
    Jason_Z Reckon Staff Posts: 94 Reckon Staff
    edited January 28

    Thanks for the additional info, @cboyce !

    Have you checked if the pay run is linked to a transaction? You might need to go into the 'Make Payment' section and delete the payments there first before you can remove the pay run. Let me know if that helps!

  • Therese R
    Therese R Member Posts: 102 Reckon Star Reckon Star
    edited January 28


    We have been having the same issues above for atleast the past 3 pay periods. Payruns that had been marked as paid then reverting to draft. Payslips being sent but not so having to resend.

    Noting the Pay Run Issue Alert above, as we only run payroll through Reckon Payroll and do not do banking or run the company file in Reckon Payroll (we use Reckon hosted) do we need to clear any of the duplicated journals? Our STP is fine.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,728 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @Therese R

    In your unique case, since you're actioning the other aspects of the accounting side of things outside of Reckon One/Reckon Payroll ie. in Reckon Accounts Hosted, then you won't need to do anything in regard to the journals.

  • Therese R
    Therese R Member Posts: 102 Reckon Star Reckon Star

    Thank you Rav - good to know.

  • Lorelle
    Lorelle Member Posts: 6 Novice Member Novice Member

    The payruns with the draft next to them are not reporting for Centrelink recipients for when they lodge hours worked so may not be reporting to tax office even thought the STP shows as success and no payslips are issuing

  • Lorelle
    Lorelle Member Posts: 6 Novice Member Novice Member

    Sorry it missed this one in screen shot for STP

  • Lorelle
    Lorelle Member Posts: 6 Novice Member Novice Member

    My log on is new and some of these pays have been done on a different log on. Can I just ask if the payruns reverting to draft being done by the same people who have been doing the pays for a while of if there is possibly an issue with newly issued logons? Just a thought and may not be relevant.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,728 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @Lorelle

    Just to clear up any confusion, the current issue with some pay runs reverting back to draft status does not affect any STP submissions that have been previously sent. If your submissions show a Success status, as they are in your screenshots, then those will be successfully processed by the ATO.

    Also, thanks for the heads up around your account being a new one. Unfortunately, the issue is a sporadic one that isn't related to the age of an account ☹️

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,728 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited January 29

    ℹ️ UPDATE

    Hi everyone

    Just a quick update. Our teams are continuing to actively investigate this issue and remains the highest priority for us.

    Unfortunately, it hasn't been an issue we've been able to easily replicate and appears to be occurring sporadically which is adding some complexity in nailing down the root cause. With that said, we're committed to getting this straightened out and work is ongoing as we speak.

    If you've found yourself with a pay run marked as paid has reverted to draft status, please check out the steps listed in the opening post.

    Sincere apologies again for the confusion and inconvenience this is causing at the moment. More updates and info to follow.

  • Stacey_6976885
    Stacey_6976885 Member Posts: 61 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited January 29

    Hi Rav,

    Have just processed my pay for today, now it won't let me finalise at all. Have logged out and back in, but still saying draft. Is this related to the current issue? Is there a fix around this one?

    All good now, just refreshed the page, now it is showing as paid.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,728 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Thanks for confirming @Stacey_6976885 👍

  • Anne Sterling
    Anne Sterling Member Posts: 25 Reckoner Reckoner

    This now seems to have resolved for me, I processed todays payroll without any problems. The only thing that is different is that I logged out of the Reckon One Payroll App on my iphone before processing the pay. Not sure if that had anything to do with it, but just putting it out there. I am presuming that the Payroll App is no longer something we should be using now that Payroll has been reintegrated?

  • Anne Sterling
    Anne Sterling Member Posts: 25 Reckoner Reckoner

    But no, it looks like one of the payruns I had problems with in january has been submitted twice to the ATO. oh well. Its late in the day, I'll deal with this tomorrow……………….

  • Kali
    Kali Member Posts: 386 Reckon Star Reckon Star


    This is sporadically happening to us as well.

    Pay Slips say they've been sent, but they never arrive.

    Pay run diverts back to draft and when you try and submit the STP file we get the following:

    Then when you go back in - your only left with one drop down box:

    Which doesn't allow you to do anything, so the only way around is to completely delete the run and complete again which is obviously frustrating and wastes a lot of time.

    I'm also getting the pop ups to switch over to STP2 and register software ID on some files which was completed yonks ago!

  • Pia
    Pia Member Posts: 76 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Rav

    I am also having the same problem with reverting to draft. Unable to send STP file and payslips not being delivered.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,728 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    ℹ️ UPDATE

    Hi everyone

    Just wanted to provide a new update on this. Our dev team have been hard at work investigating and diagnosing this issue and I'm happy to advise a fix has been identified.

    The team are now moving into conducting some thorough testing this week to ensure it addresses the issue in full.

    Once this has been completed (and passes testing), we'll roll it out to Reckon One as soon as possible however I can't advise a specific date just yet but I'll keep you posted on that as soon as it becomes clear.

    Thanks again to everyone for your patience, more info to follow.

  • Kali
    Kali Member Posts: 386 Reckon Star Reckon Star

    Hi Rav,

    What's the workaround whilst we wait the update as it won't allow me to proceed? Previously i have been able to delete the run and reprocess.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,728 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @Kali

    If you've found yourself with a pay run marked as paid has reverted to draft status, please check out the steps listed in the opening post.

    The fix for this issue is our highest priority at the moment and we're working toward having it released ASAP.

  • Anne Sterling
    Anne Sterling Member Posts: 25 Reckoner Reckoner

    just a question.. My last payrun worked fine, the only difference was that I'd logged out of the payroll app on my iphone. Should that app now be deleted now that the payroll is integrated back in?

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,728 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @Anne Sterling

    No, you're more than welcome to continue using the mobile app as a companion to Reckon One on a PC. It will allow you to view and create pay runs, employees etc and will be automatically synced with your Reckon One book.

  • Anne Sterling
    Anne Sterling Member Posts: 25 Reckoner Reckoner

    I'll log back in and use it for my next pay run. Interesting that I had no problem this time with my payrun, unlike the previous 2, because I had logged out of the app and processed the pay through my computer. No possible way the app could be causing problems?

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,728 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    @Anne Sterling no the app isn't related to the cause of the issue so you're more than welcome to continue using it if you find it more convenient than the full Reckon Payroll experience on a PC.

  • Tracey
    Tracey Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member

    I have had an issue with the payrun reverting to draft in December, I have deleted the double up in the payrun and journal. Checked my Payroll report to complete my BAS and it does not match the prefill figures on the ATO Portal. There is a payrun which has been submitted to the ATO twice and my end of quarter PAYG payable is out by this amount. How do I fix this?

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,728 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager


    Hi everyone,

    I'm really happy to advise our teams have deployed a fix and this issue is now resolved.

    Moving forward, any new pay runs you create will not revert to draft after being marked as paid nor will any duplicate journals be created.

    Thank you all again for your patience everyone, I know this was a frustrating issue to contend with and we sincerely apologise for the inconvenience this has caused.

  • Mark_9171963
    Mark_9171963 Member Posts: 68 Reckoner Reckoner

    Thaks for your efforts Rav. Worked fine for us today!