Changing a company file name in Reckon Accounts Hosted

Legacy KB ID: 5654


How can I change the name of my company file in Reckon Accounts Hosted?


Who does this apply to?

All Reckon Accounts hosted users.

Solution / Workaround:

You can change the name for your company file following the below instructions.

Detailed steps.

  1. Login to Reckon Accounts hosted, but do not open your company file yet.
  2. Click on the file Download icon on the floating toolbar.
  3. Click on ‘Look In’ dropdown arrow and select your Q: drive.
  4. Scroll down to the file you wish to rename.
  5. Select/Highlight the file by Right clicking on it with your mouse.
  6. Once the desired file is selected, Press F2 on your Keyboard.
  7. The company file name will now be Editable. Change it to your new name and click anywhere else to save it.
The File name is now changed and saved.

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