Annual Leave accrual rate does not accept more than 2 decimal places

emily_6581746 Member Posts: 4
edited October 2018 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
hi im trying to set up emplyees in payroll and trying to enter how many hours do you give employees per accural period which is 0.07694 cause they work 38 hours a week and it is saying this field accepts a maximum of 2 decimal places can anyone help


  • SusanR
    SusanR Accredited Partner Posts: 30 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited November 2016
    Hi Emily,

    Accounts can display portions of time as Decimals or Minutes.  The preference can be found from the drop down menu Edit > Preferences > General > Company Preferences.

    Switch your preference from Decimal to Minutes.  Then, enter the hours on the employee record as .07694 and accounts will accept the 5 decimal places and convert the amount to hours and minutes.  So, if your accrual rate is per hour, Accounts will change .07694 to 0:04:37 - for every hour work, the employee accrues 4 minutes and 37 seconds AL.  Save the record.

    You can then change the preference back to Decimal if you prefer and Accounts will convert that figure back to .07694.

    Decimal figures are identified with a decimal point (.), Minutes are identified with a colon (:).

    I hope this helps.
