APi boolean UnitPriceIsTaxInclusive

Michael_9860079 Member Posts: 2
edited September 2020 in Reckon One
When retreiving invoice detail, the json field UnitPriceIsTaxInclusive is ALWAYS false.
For my account; all line items on all invoices are all tax inclusive?

This makes my calculations wrong. Any idea why this boolean is (always) set to FALSE even though it aint?


  • Michael_9860079
    Michael_9860079 Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2018
    I think this is a bug from Reckon.
    The documentation says


    note the lower case i of the IS inclusive.

    However when retreiving the JSON it has an uppercase I;


    Any dev from reckon who can help?

  • Ifti
    Ifti Reckon Staff Posts: 258 Reckon Staff
    edited February 2019
    Hi Michael,

    Thank you for your email.

    Yes, it is a bug and thanks for reporting it. We've added it to our backlog and we'll look into it soon.

    I'll update you once it's fixed.

    I'll also update the documentation to ensure it matches the actual response.

    Apologies for any inconveniences caused.


    Reckon API Team
  • Jason Hollis
    Jason Hollis Alumni Posts: 516 Reckon Staff
    edited September 2020
    Hi Michael,

    Just to add some clarity, you would have noticed that currently you need to send the NET price to an invoice line item array and that is why UnitPriceIsTaxInclusive is always set to false.

    We are actually working on this at the moment to allow gross as well as correcting how AutoTaxCalc works. We hope to have this released next week is we pass QA. It will also dramatically reduce the MANDATORY data required as a POST as currently balancing line totals to the invoice total can be quite a challenge when tax (GST / VAT) is applicable. 

    nb. This change is one of many we have planned for next year in terms of gross amounts and tax calcs. 
