BankData Feed: '0 transactions available for this request', but have bank transactions?

Kevin_9625091 Member Posts: 7
edited April 2018 in Accounts Hosted
Hi there, I'm Kevin and currently using Reckon Hosted and Yodlee Feeds to bring in bank transactions into our accounts.

We only recently joined Reckon Bankdata and have set up the feed for one of the bank accounts. But I had deleted the feed thinking I downloaded the wrong period (as it only went back 3 months, which was actually supposed to happen). 

For the past week I tried to import bank data for said bank account and is still told that I have  '0 transactions available for this request', but I'm confident we have transactions occuring for the past week,

Did I mess something up by deleting the feed?

Any help or tips would be much appreciated.


  • John G
    John G Reckon Staff Posts: 1,570 Reckon Staff
    edited April 2018
    Hello Kevin,

    Welcome to the Reckon Community

    If you have deleted your Yodlee feed then you are not receiving any transactions any more.  When you attempt to download transaction, the system correctly tells you that there are no transactions for the date range and the bank account specified.  In due time Yodlee will remove the feed altogether.  

    You can create another Yodlee feed to the same bank accounts.  Again, the setup will give you 3 months of past transactions.  You will need to adjust the YodleeID in your bank ledger's Online Bank Details tab to the new YodleeID number that shows on the Bank Feed Management screen (

    If you still have issues, please contact BankData support directly on, providing your full BankData account details, a description of the symptoms you are experiencing and where relevant, screenshots.

    Hope this helps.  

  • Kevin_9625091
    Kevin_9625091 Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2018
    Hi John,

    I have only deleted the bankdata download on the Reckon Hosted Accounts, not in Yodlee feed in Bankdata though. Does that mean I really can't download anymore data again for that account beyond the previous downloaded period?

    Also what happens if I have other bank accounts linked under the same feed?

  • John G
    John G Reckon Staff Posts: 1,570 Reckon Staff
    edited April 2018
    Thanks Kevin.

    Transactions can only be downloaded once, so those transactions in the abandonned download are lost.  Transactions outside that date range and not previously downloaded can be downloaded.  

    Other bank accounts are not affected by that one download attempt so their transactions should download.  

    Once you press Continue on the Transactions Summary Screen your transactions are booked out of BankData.  You should continue with the process until the file appears in the from Bank section of the Online Banking Centre.  

  • Kevin_9625091
    Kevin_9625091 Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2018
    Thanks for the help.

    Then what would usually be the cause of the above problem where there is  '0 transactions available for this request' when there should still be transactions?

    Assuming what you said is correct, then how come it's still 0 transactions available after the original abandoned date range? 

    How often does it take for Yodlee feed to update a new batch of transactions for download?

    Regards, and much appreciated, 
  • John G
    John G Reckon Staff Posts: 1,570 Reckon Staff
    edited April 2018
    Hello Kevin,

    In your circumstances, the immediate reason for no transactions will be that no new transactions have been received.

    This may be because the additional transactions you can see on your online bank statement may still be "pending" transactions and not "posted" transactions.  Bankdata will only download "posted" transactions.

    Another reason may be a delay in Yodlee processing on the day - transactions may be available later in the day and definitely by the next day's processing.

    If the latest transactions are not available when they should be you can "jump the queue" with Yodlee by refreshing your bank online login credentials with Yodlee:
    1. login to;
    2. on your Yodlee entry, click the link in the Status column (usually Active);
    3. wait as Yodlee immediately updates your bankdata record - as practically as possible within the limits of the current Yodlee queues.
    On a good day you'll get updated with all available transactions within 10 minutes; other times it may take a couple of hours.  

  • Kevin_9625091
    Kevin_9625091 Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2018
    Thank you so much for your response.

    I would also like to ask whats the general time gap between Yodlee feed refreshing on BankData?

    Last time it was 'last edited'on the 19th, then next it was on the 24th. How often does this 'refresh' occur?

    Regards and much appreciated,
  • John G
    John G Reckon Staff Posts: 1,570 Reckon Staff
    edited April 2018
    Hello Kevin,

    The update cycle starts with the banks doing their daily posting starting at  midnight.  Sometime during the day Yodlee will run its daily update cycle at a time that fits into their global schedule, but is usually late morning Sydney time  This collection is then sent to Reckon who then process the transactions to BankData records.  How long this whole process takes will depend on the level of activity occurring at Yodlee, the banks, across the internet and at Reckon at the time.  The latest transactions via Yodlee usually start coming through early afternoon.

    With 3rd party transactions, and credit cards in particular, the banks may be informed of the transaction immediately it is done, but all the details of the transaction may not be sent to the bank for a couple of days afterwards.  In this case the bank will enter the transaction as "Pending", so you can see it on your online bank statement, and only when the full details are received will the status be changed to 'Posted". BankData will only accept "Posted" transactions.  

    By refreshing your bank online credentials with Yodlee you by-pass the daily update cycle and you may get your latest transaction a little faster.  You must follow this process if your bank login is protected with additional security via a security code sent to you at the time you logon.

    Direct Feeds on the other hand get processed early in the day as the transactions are sent to reckon once the posting process at the bank is finished.  

    Hope this explains the process for you.
