Change "Billable" column default when entering bills

Maree_9986124 Member Posts: 1
edited April 2020 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
When entering bills under the Items tab and selecting a Customer:Job the Billable? column automatically checks and I have to manually uncheck it before saving every time I enter a bill.  How do I change this so it doesn't automatically check? I am using Reckon Accounts Premier : Contractor Edition 2019.  I have seen posts to go to edit/preferences/time&expenses/company preferences/uncheck box but I don't have that option.


  • Kwikbooks (Professional Partner)
    Kwikbooks (Professional Partner) Member Posts: 824 ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    there is no way to turn it off, it is designed this way, as once you add the customer it presumes you need to invoice this bill - part - service to the customer.  So if you just want to add it to the Customer P&L then you have to untick the box.

    Having said that if you don't invoice out costs & time direct to customer then on preferences>sales there is an option to 'don't add any', so when you invoice the prompt want come up to add the time or the costs linked to the customer name.

    the costs will just sit in your system as unbilled, if you didn't want to take the tick off everytime.