Entered Supplier Bills Not Displaying in Reminders

Accounts NZ
Accounts NZ Member Posts: 33
Using Reckon Accounts Plus 2018...

I am wondering why a bill that I have entered, that is due this month, is not showing up in the reminders?

It is showing up when I look at the pay bills function, and it also shows up when I look at the supplier directly.

I would like the reminders to always show until the bill is paid.

New Reckon user here at a new job, any advice is much appreciated.


  • Linda ABC
    Linda ABC Accredited Partner Posts: 1,131 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited June 2020
    Hi there - if you go to the Edit Menu - Preferences -then click on Reminders and have a look at the current settings - you can modify what you see and when you see it?  I expect the current settings are the reason you do not see this bill?
  • Accounts NZ
    Accounts NZ Member Posts: 33
    edited April 2019
    Yes! Perfect! Thanks so much Linda!