Finalise Year data sent through to the GovConnect does not match if I run a Payroll Summary

Kathryn B
Kathryn B Member Posts: 3
edited June 2020 in Accounts Hosted
When I process my Finalise Year, the data sent through to the GovConnect does not match if I run a Payroll Summary for the year. The problem is in the salary sacrifice. One month is missing from the years total sent through the STP Reckon Portal to GovConnect.  I am running Accounts Hosted and I have done the 2019 update


  • Julia Lamb
    Julia Lamb Member Posts: 10
    edited June 2020
    I had that - run a super report and modify add in a column to see what is SGC and RESC - see which month it is missing - then go in and unlock the pay, edit and resave then it corrects itself.
    It helps to export the list to Excel and sort so the RESC is easily identifiable
  • Kathryn B
    Kathryn B Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2019
    Thanks for your response Julia, but I don't understand.  Do you mean run a Super report in Reckon?  Every report I look at in Reckon contains all 12 months
  • Linda ABC
    Linda ABC Accredited Partner Posts: 1,131 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited July 2020
    Thats right Kathryn - this issue is because there is a problem with the RESC reporting in Reckon Accounts - easily fixed one you pin point the pays with the problem... go to Reports - Employees - Super by Employee - then choose Modify - make the date range last financial year - and scroll through the columns to display and tick the RESC amount column... Run the report and you should find where the RESC column is picking up incorrect Sal Sacrifice.. once all this is correct - create your year end STP file again in Reckon Hosted and upload this file - Delete the file that had the incorrect totals...
  • Kathryn B
    Kathryn B Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2019
    Woohoo.......Linda thank you for your step by step instructions.  When I was running my reports I wasn't adding the RESC column. It is now all fixed. You are a champion!!!!