Hi i need to reduce my own gross salary but not my PAYG in my payment summary before i send it off t

Peter Cooper
Peter Cooper Member Posts: 2
edited April 2020 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
I need to reduce my gross on my payment summary so i can get back some of the PATG I've already paid


  • Kwikbooks (Professional Partner)
    Kwikbooks (Professional Partner) Member Posts: 824 ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Hi Peter

    If you need to reduce the gross and not the tax, you need to reduce the net as well, and the net has already come out of the bank.  Is your accountant going to make the difference drawings?

    work out how much gross you will need to reduce and convert this to hours by your hourly rate.

    In a non-scheduled pay run dated 30/6 (if using scheduled pay runs) choose hourly pay x your rate x (-hours you just calculated).  This will give you a negative amount in gross and you will need to manually override the tax to zero, giving you the same negative amount in net.

    create the pay & refresh the payroll total report, if this doesn't work you will need to edit some pays manually until you reach the required figure.

    Remember if you have paid yourself the difference has to go to drawings, unless your accountant is going to make this adjustment as a jnl entry himself.