how can you alter /change/add or remove an item in a layby

Mark Wheeldon
Mark Wheeldon Member Posts: 1
edited August 2019 in Point of Sale


  • Graham Boast
    Graham Boast Accredited Partner Posts: 331 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited December 2017
    Hi Mark

    Sorry for the late reply - just noticed this question when looking at another Layby issue and thought I'd correct the incorrect reply given.

    If you have an existing layby for three items, you can take off an unwanted item as follows:

    Layby Customer
    scan item being returned
    Tender Latyby

    To swap an item in a layby, cancel the unwanted one as above then do a new layby for the replacement item

    Layby Customer
    scan item
    Tender Layby

    This will create a 2nd layby for the customer.

    Don't try tocombine these transactions.  Refunds should always be processed as a separate transaction. 

    To Cancel a Layby altogether:

    Layby Customer
    Scan Items.
    Tender Cash/EFT the amount and method you are refunding to the customer
    Tender Cash the amount you are withholding as a cancellation fee
    Tender Layby the amount remaining on Layby

    Now process the Cancellation Fee as a separate transaction
    Enter amount of fee.
    Select "Cancellation Fee" product / Misc Sale whatever you have set up
    Memo a note about what it is
    Tender Cash

    Graham Boast
    Reckon Accredited Consultant

    Graham Boast | 0409 317366 |