How do I run a report in Accounts Plus 2014 showing all inventory itesm and percentage markup?

Small Retailer
Small Retailer Member Posts: 10
edited February 2020 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)

How do I run a report in Accounts Plus 2014 listing/showing all inventory items including cost and sales price with a column showing markup percentage?  Also need a weighted average markup total at the bottom.  I'm pretty sure I found this at random the other night and now I cannot find it :(.  Silly me....

Any help really appreciated 


  • Shane_6461899
    Shane_6461899 Reckon Staff Posts: 339 Reckon Staff
    edited February 2020
    Hi Small Retailer,

    There is no report that does all this in Reckon Accounts sorry.  What you could do is use the Custom Fields in the item list, call one Markup% and then for each item add in its markup % amount, then run the Item Listing report, add in the column for the new custom field Markup%, remove any columns you don't need.  The only thing it wont give you is the weighted average markup total at the bottom.  If you really need this, export the report to Excel and add the weighted average markup total.

    Hope that helps.
