Is there a way to down/up load more invoice templates within Reckon Accounts (hosted)?

Trish_7921786 Member Posts: 3
edited July 2017 in Accounts Hosted
I work for a repairs company that likes to itemize labour and parts separately. The invoice template currently available doesn't accommodate that very well. Just wondering if there is a way I can upload / download more invoice templates as I have customised it the best I can but it still isn't quiet clear for our customers.


  • gazza73
    gazza73 Accredited Partner Posts: 803 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited February 2017

    First, perhaps we'd better be clear about your expectations here, when you talk about exporting templates.   

    Invoice Templates can be customised by adding fields, and all manner of TEXT and you can put explanations and tips, rules, conditions .....  freehand into a template.  PLus, you can then EXPORT such a template.  Go to LISTS -->  Templates.  Then highlight a template and export it as a file called xxxxx.DES.

    So perhaps you have some terrific templates in another company, or even a colleague who is using the same Reckon product, and has a template you'd like as a head start.  That is possible.

    AS to who has any other templates for you to use,  well I'm not aware of that being available anywhere - but the ability for such other people to export as a DES and email that DES file to you to IMPORT (which is perhaps what you refer to upload)... YES that capability is possible.

    For instance,  in my business, I sometimes like to treat all the invoiced consulting work I do, as a project WORKSHEET OF ACTIVITIES.  So I have a modified invoice template, like the DES file I'll share here.

    You can download that as a FILE    (xxxx.des)  and then IMPORT it as an ainvoice template into your LIST -->  Templates.

    I'm assuming you are using Reckon Accounts desktop (with invoicing)  or HOSTED.
