is there an area that allows you to view the sql that creates this report in reckon account 2014

Caleb Donald_8336184
Caleb Donald_8336184 Member Posts: 25
edited August 2019 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
is there an area that allows you to view the sql that creates this report in reckon account 2014


  • Chris McGregor
    Chris McGregor Member Posts: 140
    edited August 2016
    I would hit up the QODBC website and sp_report. Best go google it for faster searching. Basically the deal is there is no direct SQL queries again the reckon account database as it all gets intercepted by the SDK as Kevin mentioned and the QODBC uses the SDK as a bridge to get data out of reckon account. When using most apps for reporting such as crystal you can select odbc as the data source and either select the desired tables or add SQL script. Also heaps of online examples Cheis