Labour Hours Reporting

Viv de Boer
Viv de Boer Member Posts: 2
edited June 2018 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
I use Reckon QuickBooks 2017 and need to produce reports that show employee labour hours per job based on whether they are indigenous, apprentice or labourer. How can I set this up?


  • Graham Boast
    Graham Boast Accredited Partner Posts: 331 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited May 2018
    Hi Viv,

    Class Costing is one way. If you are already using classes for something else, then perhaps set up different "hourly pay" payroll categories for each: Hourly-A = Apprentice, Hourly-I = Indigenous, Hourly-L = Labourer.  The payroll summary report will spit these out as different lines.

    You could also just filter a payroll summary report for "multiple names", and save 3 variations of theis report, but you would have to update the filter each time a new employee started.

    Graham Boast 0409317366
    Reckon Accredited Consultant

    Graham Boast | 0409 317366 |

  • Viv de Boer
    Viv de Boer Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2018
    Many thanks Graham.
    Your advice has helped me sort this out.