Loans with More than 999 Repayments

Paul Blake
Paul Blake Member Posts: 24
Is Reckon aware of a bug in Personal Plus (it's been there for many years) where loans with more than 999 payments do not make auto payments? If you have a long period loan (e.g. a house over 30 years and repaid weekly = 1560 payments) the number of loan repayments can exceed 999. If more than 999, Reckon truncates the "1" from the 1xxx payments and thinks there's only one payment left. After that auto payment is made, the repayments stop.

This means that, for the example above, it's necessary to manually enter the first 561 payments (i.e. about the first 10 years). Once the number of remaining payment is 999 or less the auto payments are made OK.

If you pay the loan two-weekly or monthly the problem is obviously hidden as the repayments are less than 1000.
