Need Help (Perfom API Action)

Sarna Member Posts: 1
edited February 2020 in Reckon API
Hello, I created an account on Reckon software and want to perform some actions via API. Like Edit, delete or add a product. Please let me know:- a.) How I can create a product on Reckon? b.) How can I perform API functions on my Reckon account? c.) Is there any helpful document for it as well?


  • gazza73
    gazza73 Accredited Partner Posts: 803 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited December 2017

    The man for this,  is Simon Hutchison at Reckon with the API team,  along with Jason Hollis who is an all round knowledgeable Manager and knows a lot about API.   But you need a Reckon API account setup at MS-Azure, and some ID's and so forth.  You also need the API v2.1 distribution kit (Software Development Kit) from

    To get your head around it,  like many other's who have tackled API,  I took the trouble to put an overall summary of the 'process' together when it was API v1.  (Sorry,  I really need to get the v2.1 aspect up to help better).  But 80% of the way API works is explained on my example at:  and you are welcome to enjoy any of the steps/contacts/experiences I had along that journey.

    It's a good idea to practice on a desktop version first,  and/or use the COUGAR ENTERPRISES example files that you can look at on HOSTED.

    Having said all that,   I've not had personal experience with the Reckon ONE API - a different product combination,  so if this is what you were asking about, perhaps enlighten the community forum article you've raised here,  so that people with the right API experience can offer come help.

    Here's why I do this, and what resources I can share:


    Gary Pope

    m: 0408994799
    An Accredited Partner- Consultant (VIC. Aust)
    “Working with Accountants/Bookkeepers PPs/APs, as an
         independent IT Professional and retired FCPA Accountant”

  • Shane_6461899
    Shane_6461899 Reckon Staff Posts: 339 Reckon Staff
    edited February 2020
    Hi Sarna,

    To become a Reckon API software developer please click "Join our developer program" here:

    We can then provide you with the necessary things you need to begin integrating your application with Reckons applications.

    For Reckon One API pretty much everything you need is available on the Reckon API Help Docs area, for Reckon Accounts Hosted and Reckon Accounts Desktop we will need you to sign up on that link above due to licensing agreements we have with Intuit.  Then we can provide you with the Reckon Accounts/QuickBooks SDK.

    Reckon API Help Docs: 
