Old balances in AP reports and in supplier listing not clearing

Samantha Robertson
Samantha Robertson Member Posts: 7
edited April 2020 in Accounts Hosted
Using Reckon Hosted.
I have a supplier "Metro" with a balance of - $678.44 in the supplier list but no actual items in the Open Balance report.
This same supplier also has 4 transactions (bills) listed in our AP report for a total of $658.04 but each bill is listed as "Paid "when you open the transaction
We do not owe supplier any money or have any outstanding credits
Both are from a couple of years ago. I am just coming back to FT work since being on Mat Leave and I can't understand why these are on the file and how to get rid of them...?


  • Kwikbooks (Professional Partner)
    Kwikbooks (Professional Partner) Member Posts: 824 ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Hi Samantha

    when you are in suppliers and on this supplier, on the transaction section make sure in the show: 'all' transactions  Filter by 'all'  date 'all' are chosen.  then look down the open bal. column (or add this column) and see it there are any unapplied amounts next to payments made, and any unpaid bills.

    Go to paybills, click on one of their unpaid bills, then down in bottom RH corner 'apply credits'.  Date is irrelevant.  save as you would when paying a bill.  This should get rid on the credit and the unpaid bills.