Past Due Fields on Statement - Is there a field for 1 to infinity days?

Michael van Viersen
Michael van Viersen Member Posts: 3
edited February 2017 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
Past Due Fields on Statement - Is there a field for 1 to infinity days?

These are the following fields I have on my statement:

1-30 days past due
31-60 days past due
61-90 days past due
Over 90 days past due

I have a created a field saying "Overdue please pay now" which would mean from 1 day overdue to infinity, or the sum of 1-30, 31-60, 61-90, 90+

Could someone please help me with this field and how I can accomplish it

Thankyou very much =)=)


  • John G
    John G Reckon Staff Posts: 1,570 Reckon Staff
    edited February 2017
    Hi Michael,

    Set the Preferences for Reports & Graphs to age reports from their transaction date rather than their due date.  

    For more help check out the in-product Help and search for "Terms", "Ageing", "Statements", "Invoices".


  • Michael van Viersen
    Michael van Viersen Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2014
    Sorry thats not what im after.

    Im after a field in Statement layout designer that shows a total for any over due amount past the terms for that company.


    A Company has $100 current, $100 1-30 days over due, $100 31-60 days over due, $100 61-90 days over due, $100 91+ days over due.

    This companys terms are 30 days.

    So their outstanding will be $400 from 1 day overdue onwards

    I just want a field to show a total for outstanding so that they can pay that total amount and so that it is clear to them.

    Thanks =)

  • John G
    John G Reckon Staff Posts: 1,570 Reckon Staff
    edited December 2016
    Thanks Michael,

    No, there is not a field like you describe.  There is a total for each section and a Total Amount Due, but no Total Amount Due less Current.  

    I will place this idea in our Suggest New Features section.
