Payroll timesheet imports

Sarah Johnston
Sarah Johnston Member Posts: 33
edited June 2020 in Accounts Hosted
I have imported payroll timesheets into QB, the problem I am having is that it is making blank lines (setting up new blank employees) is there a way around this?  And how do I delete the blank employees?  Any help is greatly appreciated.


  • Sarah Johnston
    Sarah Johnston Member Posts: 33
    edited May 2018
    LOL I have found my answer, if anyone is interested you need to delete the activity and then you can delete the blank employee.
  • Linda ABC
    Linda ABC Accredited Partner Posts: 1,131 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited June 2020
    We had this issue when importing payroll data from Wageloch.... the problem turned out to be in the employee names...  the name has to be exactly as per Reckon - and in this instance - we had to remove the initials in Reckon as Wageloch wasnt able to provide a middle initial... also, if the setting in Reckon is Last name first - then the import file needs to show as LASTNAME, Firstname - otherwise it will create new employees...  in order to delete the blank employees - what I did first was edit one and give it a name of say A... then I edited the others and also called them A and said yes to merge them... once I only had one - then I needed to find and delete all timesheets for the employee A - then I could delete Employee A... hopefully this makes sense and helps you?
  • Sarah Johnston
    Sarah Johnston Member Posts: 33
    edited May 2018
    Thanks Linda, there is a report you can do to show all the Timer Activity.   Reports > Jobs Time and Mileage > Time by Name.  Then sort by blanks and delete the Timer Activity and then you can delete the blank employees.
  • Georgina Heaven
    Georgina Heaven Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2019
    Can someone advise how you delete the time activity? I have merged all the blank employees and have run the report and can see the one I need to delete, but I cannot find where I have to delete the time sheets?

    Thank you
  • Sarah Johnston
    Sarah Johnston Member Posts: 33
    edited July 2019
    Hi Georgina, you need to run the activity report, double click where it is zero and open the activity, delete this then you will also need to delete additional employee that would now be there. Hope that helps
  • Sarah Johnston
    Sarah Johnston Member Posts: 33
    edited July 2019
    You cannot delete the timesheets from the upload