Plumbers and Tradies Mobile Add On For Multiple Employees and Jobs

cosmic Reckon Developer Partner Posts: 1,075 ✭✭✭
Mobile Time Sheet for desktop is On!!!
What are you getting :
1. Enter multiple employees attached to a job site administered by your project supervisor.
    All list of employees displayed on your mobile device , and default hours  showing,for one easy bulk posting to RA.
2. Able to Remove individual default hours for each employees and enter new hours.

 3. Ability to enter multiple jobs for any one day -SERVICE JOBS and Do and charge jobs.

 4 .Automatic calculation of Overtime and Double time for work after 8 hours Mon to Fri
   and for Saturday and Sunday.

  5. Predefined Templates created by your Admin: link any employees to a job, link Supervisor to  a job .
    6. Print or display in pdf, excel, by week ending and by job , select ALL employees or group.

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