Problem launching Gov Connect from STP area in Reckon One

KylieR Member Posts: 8
edited June 2019 in Reckon One
I have set up Reckon Gov Connect and tried to lodge STP via the STP section in Reckon One after raising a payrun.
When I launch Gov Connect STP and connect to Gov Connect there is no data received: message as follows-

NO DATA RECEIVED:Please login to Reckon One and send your payroll information to Reckon GovConnect STP. Once the data has been sent, it will be available here.

The two are not communicating, what should I go?


  • Jocelyn Hudson
    Jocelyn Hudson Accredited Partner Posts: 13 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited June 2019
    Did you set up a separate GovConnect STP portal to your Reckon One Portal. If you did, you didn't need to. You need to set up GovConncect STP from the same Portal that you log into for Reckon One, then you should have no issues of the data not being sent.