Reckon One Timesheet functionality Q

Mike_9755105 Member Posts: 10 ✭
edited June 2019 in Reckon One
Hi all.

I'm trying to replace my current time tracking solution with Reckon One given I use it for general book keeping purposes.

After enabling the feature (medium) and playing around a bit, I have some open Qs that perhaps somebody out there can assist answering:

1 - Is there a way to generate a timesheet report that contains the notes entered by the employee when using the day view? I couldn't find a suitable options in the timesheet related reports.

2 - I've setup a role with minimal privileges for an employee for him to be able to enter the TS. One thing I don't like is that the employee is still shown all currently open "projects" in my book and "customers". Is there a way to assign an employee to specific projects so that only those projects are shown in that menu? Same applies to the customer menu.

3 - I've tried to enter a TS row using the user with those minimal permission assigned and although a valid project is selected from the project pop-up menu Reckon One asks me to select a valid project. In other words, I can't submit the new time entries...

Any assistance will be much appreciated, thanks.