TPAR problem - ACN suppliers

Vickie Wesolowski
Vickie Wesolowski Member Posts: 31
edited August 2019 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
We're using desktop Enterprise 2018. Yesterday was the first time I've had to run a TPAR to submit to the ATO and I came across the problem that two of our suppliers had ACNs not ABNs. When the suppliers were set up and I tried to enter the ACN no. I received a message that said "You have entered an invalid ABN. Please check your ABN with the ATO documentation or prefix the value with 'ACN' to bypass validation" which I did and everything seemed fine. However, when I tried to export the TPAR I received an error message for both these suppliers that said "Supplier ABN (ACN) must be numeric, cannot start with ACN".

I spent 40 mins on the phone to support and got nowhere, the guy didn't seem to even know the difference between an ABN and ACN and kept asking for the error messages over and over. I ended up hanging up in frustration because I just didn't have time to waste.

Has anyone else encountered the same problem? I ended up submitting the report without these two suppliers and am intending to submit an amended report once I've found a solution to the issue.


  • Big Hat
    Big Hat Accredited Partner Posts: 95 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited August 2019
    If someone has an acn then they must have an abn Have you done a search via or abn lookup

    John Peppas

  • Big Hat
    Big Hat Accredited Partner Posts: 95 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited August 2018
    All me if you require further assistance 0418 771 972

    John Peppas

  • Big Hat
    Big Hat Accredited Partner Posts: 95 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited August 2018
    Sorry 0418 771 971

    John Peppas

  • Vickie Wesolowski
    Vickie Wesolowski Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2018
    Thanks so much John, I'd totally forgotten that. I really wish I'd posted here yesterday instead of wasting so much time with Reckon support.
  • Vickie Wesolowski
    Vickie Wesolowski Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2018
    Possibly not Kevin but the reality is that if the support centre was still based in Australia there would have been a greater chance that they would have known or been able to point me in the right direction. I'm afraid I've found the quality of the support has deteriorated a lot since it was moved offshore.