Trying ReckonOne for a sport association, having some procedural issues.

Damian Wheeler
Damian Wheeler Member Posts: 1
edited March 2019 in Reckon One
I'm trying out ReckonOne for a sports association that I'm the treasurer for. We've been using a cash book style spreadsheet for years and while it works, I've been wanting to move to a cloud accounting system for redundancy mainly and hopefully ease of transition to the next guy.

Some niggly things though.
1) We are an Incorporated Society in New Zealand, a non-profit but not a charity or trust. I was hoping to see some suitable reports, or at least be able to change the template for. For example we use an Income and Expense report, not Profit and Loss. Is there a way customise reports?

2) We have some investment accounts. Term deposits mostly, but a couple of managed fund type of things. They all pay interest or change unit price, but we don't have internet banking access to any of those so I need a manual way to add transactions. The easiest way I've found to load interest is manually create a csv file, but that is a bit clunky.

3) There doesn't seem to be a way (as of April 2018) to add finance institutions that aren't on the drop list in ReckonOne. What is the easiest way to request a change? I'd like "Other/Not listed" as an option if it can't be made free text when adding accounts.

Thanks in advance.


  • David Elliott
    David Elliott Member Posts: 25
    edited April 2018
    Hi Damian
            1)  I believe the most practical way to go will be to export the P&L to Excel - and make your modifications there
            2)  Assuming  you have used all your "Bank" accounts, or that it is inappropriate to use them, I suggest using the "Journal" - accessed behind the + button in the top-right corner
            3)  Go to "Submit a product suggestion" on the "Contact us" menu behind the ? button in the top-right corner

    Hope that helps!

  • John G
    John G Reckon Staff Posts: 1,570 Reckon Staff
    edited April 2018
    Hello Damian,

    With regard to accessing bank transactions via BankData, only those financial institutions in the list are accessible, either Directly from the Bank to Reckon or Indirectly through the internet-based provider Yodlee Inc.  Certainly you can let us know that you have an interest in a particular institution, but it will end up being a business-case decision by Reckon or Yodlee whether it will proceed.  

    Without an automatic feed then importing exported CSV files gives you the greatest flexibility.  Once the transactions are inside Reckon One the processing of them is exactly the same whether the import was automatic through BankData or through a manual upload.

    Hope this helps
