Integrated time keeping

Katrina Stubbs
Katrina Stubbs Member Posts: 29
edited September 2018 in Payroll Premier
Hello all,
I am currently using Reckon Payroll Premier 15 16. Separately, I use use a time card system for attendance/job costing ect. This system does not integrate with Premier, which mean I manually have to enter all pays. I have previously tried to use a consulting program to be the go between but to no avail. I'm wondering if anyone is using a clock in/out system that directly feeds the required information including job number splitting into Premier? 
Thank you in advance.


  • cosmic
    cosmic Reckon Developer Partner Posts: 1,106 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Katrina, i would strongly advice you to use Reckon Accounts integrated payroll :Premier or Enterprise versions. This way there is lot more help around in the way of other apps that will do what you want to do.
    Also, i would got for Desktop version for now. if you need to know any further, just send me email or call me.thks

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