What happens with access to Reckon One payroll data when the payroll module has been switched off?

I have noticed that a client in Reckon One who stopped employing in March 2022 and has switched off the payroll module (so as to not incur unnecessary costs) now no longer has access to these records? Also, I have noticed the same thing has happened with other client books which are no longer using the payroll modules. I can no longer access any historical data relating to payroll.
Is this just a temporary thing? Or will you need to pay for the module in order to access historical data?
Hi Robyn,
If you need to access payroll functionality within Reckon One then you'll need to have the Payroll module active.
If you need to access payroll data every now and then just add the module temporarily and then remove it again once you've finished accessing what you need to.
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Thanks Rav
Will we be charged a fee for doing that?
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Normal fees apply when adding a module to the subscription. To clarify what I mean, I was more alluding to just adding adding the payroll module say for a month and within that period action whatever work you need to eg. running reports, STP submissions or whatever the case may be then when you're done remove the module so you're not charged for that module on an ongoing basis.
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So if we switch on the module for just 5 minutes to access a payslip or a payroll report, will the client be charged a month's fee?
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Do I take that to be a yes then...?
Can Reckon allow us to access payroll reports without charging a fee? I might be wrong, but I thought it did let you do that in the past?
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If you need to access payroll functionality in Reckon One you need to have the module. Reckon One modules are billed on a monthly basis so you'll be billed for a full month of the payroll module and in turn have access to it for the full period as well.
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Hi Rav
I think functionality vs access to records are two separate issues.
I have some old Reckon One books for clients that are completely inactive, yet I can still access all the reports and data from them (except for Payroll now).
If I wanted to use the payroll module (ie to fix up a payrun, lodge something with the ATO, finalise a payment summary etc), then it makes sense that you have to pay for it. But by cutting off payroll completely from the core product and no longer providing access to any payroll records at all seems to be a bit stiff?
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Hi Rav
Following on from the above, I have just read in clause 3 of the terms in and conditions for Reckon One that:
- You may add or remove modules to your Subscription at any time. If you remove an add-on module:
- you will have read-only access to view historical transactions on the add-on module;
- your access to the core module will not be affected by removing an add-on module, unless we offer a version of the Services where this is not applicable.
Are these terms and conditions still correct?
0 - You may add or remove modules to your Subscription at any time. If you remove an add-on module:
Good spotting on that. I'll run that by the Reckon One product team to review.
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Thanks Rav. Much appreciated.