Payroll Premier Desktop

Lambert Kitchens
Lambert Kitchens Member Posts: 46
edited August 2023 in Payroll Premier

Would you please confirm that the desktop version of Payroll Premier 2023-2024 will no longer be available as a desktop version after the conversion to Phase 2?

Our subscription for the desktop version expires towards the end of this financial year and we have been advised that, if we choose not to go to a cloud based version, (not through any choice of ours) then Reckon will not refund the pro-rata payment.

We have been under the assumption that the desktop version was planned to be upgraded to contain phase 2 functionality. Was this assumption incorrect?

Best Answer

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,032 Community Manager Community Manager
    Answer ✓

    Hey there @Lambert Kitchens

    A member of our team will give you a call today for a chat around the upcoming upgrade to Payroll Premier and answer any questions you have around it 🙂


    ℹ️ Stay up to date with important news & announcements for your Reckon software! Click HERE for more info.


  • Lambert Kitchens
    Lambert Kitchens Member Posts: 46

    Hi Rav

    Could you at least confirm that the desktop version of Payroll Premier will no longer be available.


  • Kylie_9377946
    Kylie_9377946 Member Posts: 78 ✭✭

    I also would like to know as no one from Reckon has contacted me about Premier moving to cloud base?

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,032 Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @Lambert Kitchens

    The current desktop edition of Payroll Premier is STP Phase 1 compliant only so we'll be upgrading our Payroll Premier users to our new payroll experience which is cloud-based and importantly, STP Phase 2 compliant. Your existing data from Payroll Premier will be upgraded and available there as well.

    The current desktop edition of Payroll Premier will no longer be used for STP Phase 1 pay runs and submissions once you've upgraded.

    Hi Kylie

    The team are in the process of getting in touch with everyone at the moment so you'll be hearing from us very soon but if you'd like to get a headstart, please give the team a buzz on 1800 732 566. There's some info on the upcoming upgrade for Payroll Premier below -

    ℹ️ Stay up to date with important news & announcements for your Reckon software! Click HERE for more info.

  • Kylie_9377946
    Kylie_9377946 Member Posts: 78 ✭✭

    Thanks Rav yes I did see this post back in June cheers.

  • Samantha_9713244
    Samantha_9713244 Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

    Hi @Kylie & @Lambert Kitchens

    Reckon contacted me last week advising that when we migrate from the Desktop Payroll Premier to Cloud Basked "Reckon Experience" that the new program will have limited reporting functions and other Payroll Premier functions not being available such as Awards & Classes. Have been told that Reckon have already held Webinar training for current Payroll Premier users moving across to Reckon Experience. Have either of you migrated across?

  • Kylie_9377946
    Kylie_9377946 Member Posts: 78 ✭✭

    Oh gosh! I'm really concerned. Had I know this well in advance I'm sure we would have switch to a different desktop program at 30 June. No I havent migrated yet they phoned me today and am booked in for migration early Sept.

  • Kylie_9377946
    Kylie_9377946 Member Posts: 78 ✭✭

    I have asked about the webinar they said i thought they said it hadnt been run yet 😲

  • Samantha_9713244
    Samantha_9713244 Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

    @Kylie - I am so confused and concerned. I had a call Thursday, he didn't even mention a migration - Just wanted to know number of company files & number of employees. Then another call Friday from a different representative, who was a bit more forth coming. Im sure we would have considered another program at EOFY too. I use Reckon Payroll ($9.99 p/m) for another business, with a lot less employees (Here I have up to 80 casuals) -

  • Kylie_9377946
    Kylie_9377946 Member Posts: 78 ✭✭

    Yes that's all they asked me today how many data files and number each file but were not forth coming with info about functions not being available anymore. I have 400+ employees and I'm sure the migration will take hours if not freeze up altogether. I just dont understand how we couldnt have been notified early in the yr well in advance as I'm sure they would have know and been working on it in say January.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,032 Community Manager Community Manager
    edited August 2023

    Hi everyone,

    Let me try and clear up some confusion here.

    As you know, our Payroll Premier desktop customers are in the process of being upgraded to Reckon Payroll which is our next-gen cloud based payroll experience.

    As part of that process, we've been reaching out to our PP desktop customers to get some preliminary information around how you use the existing software, requirements etc. This is likely the calls you're referring to when you've been asked about your files, employees etc etc.

    The team will also book you in with one of our migration specialists at a date & time of your choosing who will take you through the new Reckon Payroll, answer any questions you may have, and also conduct your migration itself as well.

    Please note, contrary to some comments above there haven't been any webinars that are specific to Payroll Premier customers yet as we take you through this at a one-on-one level during your booking. With that said, if you'd like a look at Reckon Payroll then maybe check out our webinar recording HERE. Please keep in mind however that webinar is for users of Reckon One who are also making the upgrade Reckon Payroll so I'd suggest perhaps starting around the 8:00 mark.

    We've also got a range of content on how to use Reckon Payroll for common tasks such as creating pay runs, employees, pay schedules and more HERE.

    ℹ️ Stay up to date with important news & announcements for your Reckon software! Click HERE for more info.

  • Samantha_9713244
    Samantha_9713244 Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

    Hi Rav,

    Thanks for taking the time to comment.

    Its very frustrating to get such conflicting information from 3 different Reckon representatives.

    Are you able to advise what the difference is between the $9.99 p/month Reckon Payroll and the $50p/month Reckon Experience I have been told we are migrating to?

    I will watch the webinar you have provided the link too.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,032 Community Manager Community Manager

    Sure thing @Samantha 🙂

    The Reckon Payroll experience that our Payroll Premier desktop customers are upgrading to is a specialised instance of the Reckon Payroll platform which provides access to a lot more functionality & feature set than, lets call it the 'base version' for lack of a better term, that you're likely utilising with the other business.

    This will start to become a bit more evident as you make use of Reckon Payroll after your upgrade however to add some context, our Payroll Premier customers who make the upgrade will obviously have their data migrated but also have access to time tracking, employee expenses, projects functionality. Maybe most significantly as well, our upgraded PP customers also receive access to Reckon Insights which is our analytics and reporting powerhouse. As Reckon Payroll evolves as well over the next little while, Pay Templates (sometimes known as Awards), will also be added exclusively for our upgraded Payroll Premier desktop customers only.

    All of the above is specifically available for our Payroll Premier desktop customers only as part of the upgrade and if you look at it purely from a cost/price perspective, if you combined all of that feature set in a subscription separately, it works out significantly higher than the $50/month you've mentioned.

    Hope that helps to clarify this aspect of it. I'd rather not deviate this thread too much more from the Payroll Premier desktop upgrade itself but if you do have more questions around this, please create a new separate post by clicking HERE and I'm happy to try and assist 😊

    ℹ️ Stay up to date with important news & announcements for your Reckon software! Click HERE for more info.