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Hi Everyone 👋 We’d like to start by thanking each of you who have sent through feedback, completed surveys, attended research sessions, and/or contacted us throughout 2024 via various platforms; such as the Reckon Community, reaching out to the Support Team, and even leaving reviews on independent review sites. We read…
We're super excited to announce that Pay Templates are now live in Reckon Payroll! This new feature provides the capability to create, manage and update pay setup information for employees in a single location making it easy to apply settings to multiple employees. This helps save time in manual entry, reduce errors and…
Introducing the Reckon Community Rewards Program! Your contributions on the Reckon Community deserve to be rewarded so we're really excited to introduce the Reckon Community Rewards Program! Kicking off from September 2024, the aim of this program is to showcase and reward the incredible contributions you make in the…
After the migration Cash Management account became under Current Liability Section. How can I transfer it under Current Asset section? Please help!!!
Hi, I presently use Reckon One as a shared book, and would soon like to take over the book for use only use myself. Can I continue to use the current book and remove the other party, or will I need to create a new book? If so, I will need access to all the data & transactions, so can all this data be migrated to a new book…
I have a client that wants to change from MYOB to Reckon One at the EOFY. They do not want to import any financial data but would like to import all their customers and suppliers ony. I have both of these as a comma delimited txt file, is it possible to import these to R1?
Hello, I have been a Reckon One User for many many years but our business has matured to a point where I am finding the capability for project tracking does not match my expectations. I simply want to track expenses like bills against a project in the same way that payroll is tracked. I want to insert a bill against a…
Is there a way to export a customer list, transaction rules from one book in Reckon One to another book. I've got two companies with the same customers/suppliers and transaction types and want to save setting them up again. We got Chart of Accounts moved over but see no way to do the same with other lists.
Hi team, Wondering if you have any experience moving from Reckon Accounts to Reckon Accounts Hosted and syncing with ConnectWise Manage which we host ourselves. We would like to explore moving our Accounts service to an online hosted service but want to ensure the integration with ConnectWise can be done effectively.…
I am intending on transferring a client's data file from my firm's Reckon Desktop software to Reckon One. Do I need to have everything completely up to date and finalised to the most recent period end before doing so? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hi - I would like to move back to Reckon hosted due to too many issues with Reckon One - how do I export reports to do this?
To the Reckon staff, I am currently trying to log into the newer Reckon Payroll app as the old STP app has been retired, but each time I have tried, I am given the message that Migration didn't work. I have filled in all the employee information such as D.O.B. and email as per the advice of help staff that I have called,…
Can I migrate Payroll data from Reckon Premier to set up a Reckon One .
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The power of desktop accounting. The magic of the cloud. Conversations about Reckon Accounts Hosted can be found here.
This category is for conversations related to all versions of Reckon Accounts Business (Desktop)
This area contains info & announcements relating to the Reckon Community site itself.
Reckon One is easy & affordable cloud accounting software with features to run every aspect of your business!
You'll find news, announcements and conversations about Reckon Payroll here!
Check out our Reckon Payroll how-to videos for tips & tricks and help with common tasks!