Error when posting end of day

Kylie_7594494 Member Posts: 2
edited November 2018 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
When I am trying to post end of day transactions from POSlite 2014 to Reckon Accounts 2014 I continually get the error 'One of the tax codes used on this form does not have a defined tax item. You cannot use tax codes that are not roperly defined. You can either delect a different tax code or correct the errant tax code by defining it's tax item.'


  • Kylie_7594494
    Kylie_7594494 Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2015
    Thank you for your advice. I have checked all my items in my list and the only item with a code other than GST is Tax Receivable with ADJ as the code??

  • Graham Boast
    Graham Boast Accredited Partner Posts: 331 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited December 2017
    hi Kylie I have seen this happen where the description of an item has a tab or a carriage return. This causes a corruption in the end of day transaction file, and this in turn is reported with the error message you are getting. Two things need to be done: - the transaction file needs to be edited to identify and fix the error; - the item that caused the error needs to be fixed so that you don't get the same error next time you sell this item. I can fix this for you, but it's a service I charge for - it really is a little too complicated and site specific to give detailed instructions. In general, I would expect it to be fairly straightforward job. Give me a call if you would like to discuss. Graham Boast 0409317366 Reckon Accredited Consultant

    Graham Boast | 0409 317366 |

  • Rik Dillon_7552540
    Rik Dillon_7552540 Member Posts: 14
    edited June 2015
    I had a similar problem and, if I remember correctly, it was an item that had the code NCG instead of GST.  If there weren't too many different items sold on that day go through the transaction list at your terminal and check all the items.  Luckily for me it wasn't a big day and I re-entered the transactions once I had identified the problem item.