Creating two trading accounts for commercial and domestic on Profit & Loss report

Kayla Hilton
Member Posts: 1 Novice Member

My client has sales to both commercial and domestic customers. We currently have separate sales and COGS accounts but wish to have two trading accounts to reflect the gross profit of each income type in order to track profitability. Is this possible to set up in the Profit & Loss report in Reckon?
Thanks in advance
Give some thought to the idea of using CLASSES, and split your two business activities by CLASS. Then produce a P&L by class, where you will see the GROSS MARGINS of one versus the other, but the combined totals of both, for showing contribution to overall overheads, before arriving at the Net Profit bottom line.
Copy your company file to a TEST company file (.QBW) and experiment with the outcome to see if that is heading you in the right direction. (Be sure to change the COMPANY INFO name internally too, so you know it is just a 'test/play-about' company.
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