AUD share prices
Member Posts: 7 Reckoner
My AUD share prices have not updated for the last 2 days. Anyone else having this problem which seeme to be the same as the one last year and the previous year etc.e
I've been able to update mine but only after 9pm which has been the norm now for some months0
Although my share prices do not seem to download in the Portfolio view, if:
I force a recalculation in an account,
after dowloading in the Portfolio view I change the date and then change it back to the current day,
if I close and reopen Reckon,
the current day's share prices are there. I am using Reckon PP 2016.
This problem happened in August 2016 and there was a fix involving a new qwutil.dll file, which is how I solved the problem at that time. However, we now presumably have a new problem.
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