Reckon Enterprise 2019 SLOW application start - FIXED!!!

Blair Revell
Blair Revell Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member
edited February 2020 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
Reckon enterprise 2019 SLOW application start - FIXED!!! - new install looked good but quickly became SLOW to even start the application without loading a database!!!. (at LEAST 60 seconds to just start the application and at LEAST another 60 seconds to open a 435Meg data file and the same with the demo databases) Researched and tried a variety of fixes but solution was

Change the startup file - in our case "QBW32EnterpriseWholesale.exe" to compatibility mode = XPSP3 - NOW under 2 seconds application startup!

In our case the file is in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intuit\Reckon Accounts 2019\QBW32EnterpriseWholesale.exe" - right click the file and select properties>Compatibility>Run this program in compatibility mode for>Windows XP Service Pack 3>OK

ALSO following this, it loaded the database QUICKLY!! - under 2 seconds!!!!

Environment - Windows 10 64 Ver 1903 with 32Gig memory and i7 9700 with SSD drive... so no issues with performance!  Running in multiuser mode - DATA/Server all on the same machine as the user's application.

ALSO applied same fix to a 2019 application (old term was Terminal Server) server which asl solved the issue!!!

Here's the funny though - after working successfully - return the application to normal mode (not set for compatibility) and it continued to work perfectly!!!

Hope this helps someone!!!!
