US date service no longer working US share prices not updating

Roman Lohyn
Member Posts: 4 Novice Member

You US data service is no longer working. I have seen the workaround but when will you be providing a replacement service?
Hi Roman,
I share your frustration, this service has not been working for more than 3 weeks now and the workaround is hardly a viable alternative.
Can we get a response from Reckon please.
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Reckon is pathetic.. this is the reply I got on Messenger via Facebook. My guess is that they have no intention of restoring the US data update service. They give a Clayton's answer which basically ignores the question..How can you just ignore.
.."but when will you be providing a replacement service?"
Reckon Hi Roman, there is info on the issue affecting US share prices in the Reckon Personal Range here -
Shame on you Reckon!!! Your service over the years has been abysmal. you continue to be abysmal!! I'm sorry I ever bought your product.
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