hi,i use stp to post every pay run, recently i found emplyee payment summary not match to what i po

jack he
jack he Member Posts: 5 Novice Member Novice Member
edited April 2020 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
help!!!!stp pay run not match the employee payment summary,how can I get help


  • Linda Benfield
    Linda Benfield Member Posts: 75 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited April 2020
    Hi Jack, 

    I would check all your payroll items and check if they are flagged to report on the payment summary.

    Start there...

    Kind regards
  • jack he
    jack he Member Posts: 5 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited April 2020
    so do I need to send you my  payroll info , or you can check my file from my reckon STP account? thanks a lot
  • Linda Benfield
    Linda Benfield Member Posts: 75 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited April 2020
    Hi Jack, 

    Can you start with checking the STP with the Payroll summary report Vs Employee Payment Summary and see if you can spot the difference. It may be a payroll item that you can see that is causing the problem.

    Unfortunately you cannot share your Reckon Accounts file unless you are using Hosted. You can share STP with me but then I am only looking at ? of the situation.

    Kind regards
  • jack he
    jack he Member Posts: 5 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited April 2020
    Hi Linda,

    my one of employee s salary on 01/07/2019-30/07/2019, gross pay is $3170, tax withhold is 386, super is 301.15,and every month is same, so gross pay should be 3170*9=28530, tax withhold should be 386*9=3474, super should be 301.15*9=2711,(01/07/2019-30/03/2020), but on the payment summary gross pay is 38044, tax withhold is 4632, super is 3613, can u please check if is anything wrong with summary, and how can I get this fix. thanks in advance