inventory stock control with sub items

Can stock on hand be used using sub items
At moment we have parent item controlling on hand and must select parent item then sub item then enter price and quantity in parent item then delete sub item line to get a difference in quantity
This is because we have mutiple customers with different pricing
when i use the sub item only it gives a minus quantity in quantity on hand but does not remove it from actual quantity
Is there a set up i can use sub items to remove quantity from inventory
Not sure if I’m understanding the question correctly 🤔 but the parent Item is simply a heading for grouping purposes. If you start typing the sub item on a form, it will prefill as you type so no need to include the parent item at all ?
Which version of Reckon Accounts are you using? If it’s Premier or Enterprise, you have multiple Price Levels available which you can setup & assign within the customer’s record. When you use an Item on a sales form, RA will then automatically use the applicable price set for that Item for that customer.
Shaz Hughes Dip(Fin) ACQ NSW, MICB
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