Reckon Desktop 2020 on W10 , integrated SDK app won't connect, OK with 2019 on W7

Rod Nugent
Rod Nugent Member Posts: 24 Reckoner Reckoner
edited September 2020 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
Installed Reckon Desktop 2020 onto a W10 PC, after have an existing install working from 2016 to 2019 on W7, my integration now doesn't connect.  It's as if the integration doesn't even exist.  Checked the API setup in the co file - all OK.

Typical connection log from the working 2019/W7 version:

20200703.114218 I 5012 RequestProcessor ========= Started Connection =========
20200703.114218 I 5012 RequestProcessor Request Processor, QBXMLRP2 v6.1
20200703.114218 I 5012 RequestProcessor Connection opened by app named 'blahblahblah'
20200703.114218 I 5012 RequestProcessor Opening the file in the DoNotCare mode.
20200703.114218 I 4180 QBSDKProcessRequest Application named 'blahblahblah' starting requests (process 5012).
20200703.114218 I 4180 SpecVersion Current version of qbXML in use: 6.1
20200703.114218 I 4180 QBSDKMsgSetHandler ADD: Item Inventory
20200703.114218 I 4180 QBSDKMsgSetHandler Request 2007031142 completed successfully.
20200703.114218 I 4180 MsgSetHandler Finished.
20200703.114218 I 4180 QBSDKProcessRequest Application named 'blahblahblah' finishing requests (process 5012), ret = 0.
20200703.114219 I 4180 QBSDKProcessRequest Application named 'blahblahblah' starting requests (process 5012).
20200703.114219 I 4180 SpecVersion Current version of qbXML in use: 6.1
20200703.114219 I 4180 QBSDKMsgSetHandler ADD: Bill
20200703.114219 I 4180 QBSDKMsgSetHandler Request 2007031142 completed successfully.
20200703.114219 I 4180 MsgSetHandler Finished.
20200703.114219 I 4180 QBSDKProcessRequest Application named 'blahblahblah' finishing requests (process 5012), ret = 0.
20200703.114219 I 5012 RequestProcessor Connection closed by app named 'blahblahblah'
20200703.114219 I 5012 RequestProcessor ========== Ended Connection ==========
20200703.114341 I 5012 CertVerifier The file does not contain an Authenticode signature.

And the connection log from the failed 2020/W10 system

20200703.145823 I 4528 RequestProcessor ========= Started Connection =========
20200703.145823 I 4528 RequestProcessor Request Processor, QBXMLRP2 v6.1
20200703.145823 I 4528 RequestProcessor Connection opened by app named 'blahblahblah'
20200703.145823 E 4528 RequestProcessor Begin Session has not been called or did not succeed.
20200703.145823 E 4528 RequestProcessor Begin Session has not been called or did not succeed.
20200703.145823 I 4528 RequestProcessor Connection closed by app named 'blahblahblah'
20200703.145823 I 4528 RequestProcessor ========== Ended Connection ==========

Fault is in bold but doesn't tell me much.  Tried run both as admin - still fails.  Don't know if it's the Windows change or the Reckon change that's the problem.

If I run the integrated app on a W10 PC that hasn't got Reckon 2020 installed on it, it tries to connect and gives a QB not running message - same as it's always done.

W10 Home V1909 build 18363.900

Anyone help?


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  • Ifti
    Ifti Reckon Staff Posts: 264 Reckon Staff
    edited July 2020
    Hi Rod,

    Thank you for your post.

    Can you please try connecting to another file and see what happens?


  • PhuongDo
    PhuongDo Reckon Developer Partner Posts: 321 Reckon Legend Reckon Legend
    edited July 2020
    Hi Rod,

    Looks like it is a tricky issue to fix. It's best if you can contact the developer who wrote that 'blahblahblah' app to have a look.

    And it probably has something to do with 64bit vs 32bit PC.



    Phuong Do / Reckon Developer Partner

  • Rod Nugent
    Rod Nugent Member Posts: 24 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited July 2020
    It is another file - a 2020 updated copy of the one that works.

    Do you mean to create a new file?
  • Rod Nugent
    Rod Nugent Member Posts: 24 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited July 2020
    That would be me.

    The W7 is 64 bit too
  • Jason Hollis
    Jason Hollis Reckon Alumni Posts: 507 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff
    edited September 2020
    Hi Rod. We came across this when Win10 first hit the shelves so haven't seen it for a while. These help articles from the SDK developers, Intuit, fixed the issue in all cases we came across (noting I believe we had 2 -3 cases at the time). This is not a Reckon Accounts issue as we have no widespread reports of issues with 3rd party apps and , and is likely specific to your environment however it can be hard to tell exactly what it is. 



    After doing a WIndows 10 upgrade, the link between the third party app and Reckon Accounts no longer works.

    The following error is received:

    An internal error occured while looking for a running instance of QuickBooks. Cannot continue. hr = 800401f3
    Could not create instance of QuickBooks. hr = 8004041c


    Corruption of the MSXML, C++ components during the Windows upgrade


    ** Intuit have removed the original tool and replaced with several articles. 


    As these are third-party tools please ensure you back up your Reckon Accounts QBW files prior to using, and use your own judgement where specific US based product instructions are mentioned. 

  • PhuongDo
    PhuongDo Reckon Developer Partner Posts: 321 Reckon Legend Reckon Legend
    edited July 2020
    Interesting, I haven't got any problem like this with all of my clients.

    Phuong Do / Reckon Developer Partner

  • Jason Hollis
    Jason Hollis Reckon Alumni Posts: 507 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff
    edited July 2020
    Hi Phuong. Yes it was very isolated and we couldn't reproduce, however the 2-3 devs who reported the issue also reported this solution solved the issue and we have had no reported incidents for some time. Also note the reports we had previously hadn't broken all integrations for the apps in question,  but the integration on a specific machine. 
  • Rod Nugent
    Rod Nugent Member Posts: 24 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited July 2020
    Hey all and thanks for the help. 

    I've been running it in a W7 VM and only moved to W10 because the requirements said W7 is not supported, which I took to mean QB will fail.  Apparently that is not the case and QB will run properly in W7. 

    This particular W10 machine was an inplace upgrade to W10 at the time so it has history - rather than being a new build.

    Anyway I need to move it on to W10 so I'll try those things and let you know what I find.  Weekend here so be next week.

    Thanks all again for the help.

  • Jason Hollis
    Jason Hollis Reckon Alumni Posts: 507 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff
    edited July 2020
    Hi Rod. I think you've found a pattern there. As I recall all of the previous issues were from Win7 to Win10 upgrades and not fresh installs. Good luck and yes, please let us know how you go. Cheers. 
  • Rod Nugent
    Rod Nugent Member Posts: 24 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited July 2020
    To summarise - nup.

    Repaired the .net frameworks - nup

    Tried to use the repair tool - finished all the .net, C++ and xml bits then froze on the ABS PDF checking.  waited an hour and killed it

    Tried reregistering MSXML said it did it - but not fixed

    Tried install MSXML 6 - it says it installs but it's not in the programs list.  In fact MSXML6 is not for W10??

    Consequently can't un/re install either

  • Jason Hollis
    Jason Hollis Reckon Alumni Posts: 507 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff
    edited July 2020
    Hi Rod, did you install Reckon Accounts as a clean install on your Win10 build? 
  • Rod Nugent
    Rod Nugent Member Posts: 24 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited July 2020
    I did a remove/reinstall after the tool failed and once more during the others.  It's not really clear what I have to do and I ended up down a rabbithole chasing install errors trying some of the things, particularly the repair option - it failed with files already open, then a script failure, each linked to further solutions in their DB but not something I want or should have to follow.
  • Rod Nugent
    Rod Nugent Member Posts: 24 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited July 2020
    Installed on W7/64 and is running fine.  Had to stop/start the Print Spooler process - always have to do that to get QB to install. Integration seems normal.

    I'll skip the W10 version that's no good and will try on W10 fresh VM when I have the opportunity.

    When I activate a licence on a second machine does it deactivate the first?  I can't see any other way to move licences??

    Tks will advise re W10 if anything changes.

  • Jason Hollis
    Jason Hollis Reckon Alumni Posts: 507 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff
    edited July 2020
    You may have to call our support so they can override your licensing if a second activation is getting blocked as dev usually get 1 x licence. Try to activate via the program and if blocked simply give us a call. 
  • Rod Nugent
    Rod Nugent Member Posts: 24 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited July 2020
    Seems to be OK - just activated.  I removed the other dead W10 install anyway.
  • Mike Maltby
    Mike Maltby Member Posts: 19 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited July 2020
    Hi Rod. Did you get your app working again after a reinstall. I have had exactly the same issue with a 3rd party app that hasn't been able to connect for the last 3 days. I recall getting an error message on the day but since then the app won't connect even though the integrated Application settings look fine.
    Because the timing is similar to yours I'm thinking a Win10 upgrade might be the culprit.
  • Mike Maltby
    Mike Maltby Member Posts: 19 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited July 2020
    I've been able to recreate the original error message by attempting to connect my app to a v2019 company file.  Basically it says "The certificate is invalid". I'll see if that message leads me anywhere.

  • Rod Nugent
    Rod Nugent Member Posts: 24 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited July 2020
    No.  I followed Jason's steps and did quite a few more things that they expanded out to as well - but never got it going in that particular W10 machine.

    I put it on the W7 VM  that it was previously on and it works perfectly.  I'm in the middle of building a new VM host and will try it on a clean W10 install there in future but with all the Jobkeeper reporting etc I need right now I'm leaving this alone.

    Was your W10 a clean install or an in-place upgrade from 7/8 ?

    I think it's something wrong with msxml6 but there's no way to really tell.
  • Rod Nugent
    Rod Nugent Member Posts: 24 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited July 2020
    I think the certificate error is only relevant if you've actually specified a certificate. I don't have a cert and still get the cert error in the log.
  • Mike Maltby
    Mike Maltby Member Posts: 19 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited July 2020
    Ok. Re Win10.  It is a Win7 upgrade that has been working fine for months. It sounds like reinstalling RA2020 won't fix it so I will try reinstalling the app in the hope that resets something in Win10.
  • Jason Hollis
    Jason Hollis Reckon Alumni Posts: 507 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff
    edited July 2020
    Hi Mike. I can confirm the reported issues we had were all upgrades from Win7/8 to Win10. If you do re-install Reckon Accounts, make sure you do a clean uninstall including the registry > there are a number of tools out there that I am sure you are aware of. 
  • Rod Nugent
    Rod Nugent Member Posts: 24 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited July 2020
    Jason, in my case RA had never been installed on the problem machine, in Mike's case RA2019 was working with the integration.

    Does that change anything we can try?
  • Jason Hollis
    Jason Hollis Reckon Alumni Posts: 507 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff
    edited July 2020
    Hi Rod. Only that in your case we can probably rule out a Reckon file corruption. As I said we have no reported win 10 integration issues, and if yours was a clean install it points to some other windows issue, but we couldn't determine what that was. The fix as you could see was really a scatter gun approach. 
  • Rod Nugent
    Rod Nugent Member Posts: 24 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited July 2020
    Actually - I tell a lie - QB was installed previously - 2016 version was previous on the problem machine.

    Yeah - I think we have to accept this as just one of those things.
  • Rod Nugent
    Rod Nugent Member Posts: 24 Reckoner Reckoner

    Jason, do we have an update on this yet? I didn't move to a W10 VM and I have to move RA to the W7>W10 upgraded machine - and it still doesn't work.

    I really need this to work

  • Rod Nugent
    Rod Nugent Member Posts: 24 Reckoner Reckoner

    I just created a brand new W10 pro VM, updated it, installed RA, still doesn't work.

  • PhuongDo
    PhuongDo Reckon Developer Partner Posts: 321 Reckon Legend Reckon Legend

    Hi Rod,

    I'm curious and willing to help. If you can give me access to that VM, I can have a look and see if I can do anything.


    Phuong Do / Reckon Developer Partner

  • Rod Nugent
    Rod Nugent Member Posts: 24 Reckoner Reckoner

    Thanks Phuong.

    These VMs are not available externally. I could run a teamviewer session if need be but . . . .

    After I created the fresh W10 VM, installed RA and activated it, the one running in the W7>W10 upgraded pc said it's company file was locked by another user and wouldn't let me access it. I assume that's a licence activation thing - only have one.

    So after neither the W10 fresh or the W7-W10 upgrade would connect I had to revert - yet again. Thankfully the old W7VM version is still fine, but I've got to export it from the current VM host to a new host. Be a few days before I have it ready.

  • Jason Hollis
    Jason Hollis Reckon Alumni Posts: 507 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff

    Hi Rod. I have checked with support and we haven't had any reports of issues. We have also just finished testing the 2021 release on desktop, with my machine being Win 10, and no connection issues occurred. With no widespread reports of issues and the inability for us to replicate, I think the next step is contacting our support at and letting us know the app developer so we can talk with them directly to determine if they have the issue with any other customers.

  • Rod Nugent
    Rod Nugent Member Posts: 24 Reckoner Reckoner



    I'm the developer, it's an inhouse system so there's only one. Being the only one it's quite important to me.

    I've uninstalled it but still have the W10VM available, I can reinstall it to do more tests but don't want to have to move my licence to the W10VM installation for testing as it disrupts my working system.

    Is there some way I can do it without moving the licence?

  • Jason Hollis
    Jason Hollis Reckon Alumni Posts: 507 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff

    Hi Rod. I think the best thing is to email the team. I'd like us to try and connect your app to our own working copies on Win 10 and see if we have any issues, then go from there. As I said we have had no reports of issues, and given we have over 1,000 dev partners using the desktop SDK, with many customers using those apps, we'd see an issue if there was one that was code related.

  • Rod Nugent
    Rod Nugent Member Posts: 24 Reckoner Reckoner

    And yet here it is, working on W7 and not working on W10.

    Who do I email?

  • Jason Hollis
    Jason Hollis Reckon Alumni Posts: 507 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff

    With no widespread reports of issues and the inability for us to replicate, I think the next step is contacting our support at

  • Rod Nugent
    Rod Nugent Member Posts: 24 Reckoner Reckoner

    Just tried this with RA 2020 on a new W10/32 VM and it won't go. Upgraded my W7/64 VM to RA2021 and it's perfect.

    So I guess I've got another year to get this to go. I'll refer to api support.


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