Can't see option to import csv files for customers, suppliers

Mel_10759137 Member Posts: 16 Novice Member Novice Member
edited July 2020 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
I am setting up Reckon Accounts Plus 2020, transferring from MYOB  Account Edge (Mac).

I have generated csv files for Customers and Suppliers.  In the Reckon Customer Centre/Excel it gives me options to Export Customer List and Export Transactions, but not Import Customer List.    I also looked in File/Utilities/Import but the three options are IIF Files, Web Connect Files and Bank Statement Files.  Do I have to convert my csv files to IIF?  Nothing in the Help window about this.  Why is it so difficult?  Thanks for your help.
PS yes, I know about the Transfer service but I only have a few customers/suppliers so should be able to do it myself.


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  • Zappy
    Zappy Accredited Partner Posts: 5,552 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited July 2020
    I don't know why anyone recommended you change systems. Unless you have a very specific need, it's usually not worth the candle and this is one of the main reasons. Ive got someone here who wants to migrate from Reckon to MYOB because its the only thing she understands. The answer to your question is no, you cannot import those files. There are people who have access to the SDK who will convert your file for a fee. I don't know how successful it is. Thanks for your question. 
  • Mel_10759137
    Mel_10759137 Member Posts: 16 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited July 2020
    Thanks Kevin.  That's frustrating but  I can do it manually.
    MYOB no longer supporting Desk top Mac applications and the only Mac option is Cloud hosted, which I don't like.  Also charging over $80/month for the privilege and Help line wait is usually 1-2 hours.  I just got fed up with it.  Reckon offered a Desk-top option for a lower cost and I'm still ahead even after buying a new PC to run it.  I will persist!
  • cosmic
    cosmic Reckon Developer Partner Posts: 1,122 Reckon Legend Reckon Legend
    edited July 2020
    There are partners in this forum sure can help you using iif tool, creation of Intuit inc, i think 2 people may be able to help : Graham Boast or Linda Putland.
    stopped using iif more than 12 yrs ago, we use  SDK  as i found iif is Never 1st hit solution, lots of mucking round and frustrations.

    Cosmic Accounting Group

    Accountants and Tax Agents 22397009

  • Mel_10759137
    Mel_10759137 Member Posts: 16 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited July 2020
    Thanks Chandra - I think I'll leave it and just enter them manually.  Just ridiculous that I cannot import a csv file !!
  • Zappy
    Zappy Accredited Partner Posts: 5,552 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited July 2020
    Ridiculous? Really!
  • Linda ABC
    Linda ABC Accredited Partner Posts: 1,134 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited July 2020
    Mel - Open your CSV file and save it as an Excel file - then I think you can use the Import Excel Files mapping utility to bring your data across?  if you save it as a tab delimited file - then this will be the import IIF option - but you need to have the correct columnt headings to do this.    One way to get it done is to create one dummy entry in Reckon for Suppliers and Customers - export this and then open in Excel and use this formatting/column headings to copy your MYOB data over from the csv file?
  • Mel_10759137
    Mel_10759137 Member Posts: 16 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited July 2020
    Thanks Linda. I've given up on that and pruned the customer and supplier lists, so am just entering them individually.  Good opportunity for a spring clean.   Thank you anyway.


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