quickbooks 2007-2008 on Windows 10

Chris K
Chris K Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member
edited October 2024 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
Hi All
After a computer crash I installed my original quickbooks 2007/2008 on a new machine with Windows 10.  Now I find that the User Account message comes up and asks if I want to allow qbw32.exe to run, most annoying.
After a 'Yes' quickbooks runs but now the Company Navigator window is blank. Any suggestions?
Haven't gone any further but the figures on a restored company file don't look right, but lets leave that for the moment

Chris K


  • Toni Jamieson
    Toni Jamieson Member Posts: 27 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited January 2016
    Sadly I think you won't be able to get this going. They aren't compatible at all, they are 8 years apart in the making. 07/08 doesn't work further on from windows 7. The sugestion would be to see if you can work with a consultant or reckon directly to get the file upgraded through to the new version and purchase the new version. Otherwise you may need to start a new file and purchase the new version. Good luck!!
  • Robert Lancaster
    Robert Lancaster Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited February 2016
    I have 07/08 running on windows 7. I think you need to run it in compatibility mode.

    If you right click on your Quickbooks icon and select properties. You will see a tab called compatibility, click on it. here you will see a option called compatibility mode, I specified it to run as windows XP.

  • Chris K
    Chris K Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited February 2017
    I think you missed the point. I too have it running on Windows 7 as you described but I attempted to run it on Windows 10. It's a no-go on W10.

  • gazza73
    gazza73 Accredited Partner Posts: 713 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited December 2016
    How committed are you to the Win10 licence - is that a new PC, or a new licence on the crashed PC?   Was it a hardware malfunction 'crash' or is the hardware able to reload the original operating system again?  IE:  Can you explore the downgrade to WIn7 PRO for instance, either way?  

    These decisions need to consider the workload and dependence you have on the amount of DATA you've recovered from backups of the crashed PC of course.     For instance, when acquiring new hardware, I always pick dual operating system entitlements, so that roll back to say WIn7 PRO is possible.,  This opens the door to compatibility of legacy products, which seems to be your situation.

    You're running a business product, but haven't outlined the commercial dependence/ramifications of your issue.  IE:  weigh up the impact of being off the air for business, versus reloading old data from scratch.  For me, that would be a last resort.  Better to get an ENVIRONMENT that suits the chosen application software you are dependent upon. IE:  had there been no crash, you were still using 2007/08 applications.  So there must be some reason for that decision.

    Don't let the crash colour your reasoning for suddenly changing environment (ie: Win10, Office 20xx).  Either that version was always wrong, and you're now thinking of solving the legacy dated product and the crash in one go - OR you have other objectives.  Having decided on the course you desire, then follow the compatibility requirements that are dictated by the desired application software yo want to use.  
    That's the proper sequence of migration to consider.   (IE: don't get distracted by what sales companies promote for new hardware and certain operating system environments - they need to fit in with your business application software needs - not the other way round!).


  • Robert Lancaster
    Robert Lancaster Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited October 2017
    Hi Garry, Thanks for your (long) reply. Although all you have done is to confuse me (not hard to do) which is not your fault. All I can say is that its working for me on windows 10. Not 100% perfect but good enough. I too get the initial pop up window when I first starts QuickBooks but I can live with that.

    A picture speaks a 1000 words.


    I have this set up.


    The Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit Can be downloaded here.


    Please use Google for instructions to install and setup. You can see the settings in my above picture.


  • Robert Lancaster
    Robert Lancaster Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited February 2016
    I meant to say windows 10, sorry.
  • gazza73
    gazza73 Accredited Partner Posts: 713 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited December 2016
    Robert.  I'd appreciate a call back on the above to better clarify the points, if you have a moment.,  I'll leave a message for you.


    *** Subsequent forum replies pointed out that
          this response should have gone to Chris K - sorry Robert!
  • Robert Lancaster
    Robert Lancaster Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited February 2016
    Hi Garry, Its Chris.K that has the issue with running quickbooks.. Not me.
  • gazza73
    gazza73 Accredited Partner Posts: 713 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited December 2016
    This answer is an apology to Robert,
    but a highlight to Chris K and fellow readers....

    Sorry Robert - will try to get Chris K's answer to the issue then.  Your reply to my post above (be-it-all addressed to you by mistake),  concerned me that users may be misunderstanding the importance of checking compatibility of the APP (as opposed to alleged backwards compatibility of the Operating System environment.)  

    Of the 600,000 Reckon Users in Aust/NZ, I dare say a reasonable percentage  (I don't know the figure, but I'm using this forum as a guide), either attempt the latest and greatest of operating system/applications, or have some desire to continue using an older (legacy) version.  I will be the first to admit, there can be good business cases for EITHER direction, particularly if your business has a day-to-day dependence on some piece of technology (hardware or software) that must run in a particular stated environment (version this, with version that).   

    The combinations of operating system/email/office suite, printing, and choice of application (Reckon  XXX  year: YYYY) combinations are huge.   And you've already acknowledged, as too, we also know, that there may be compromises when wanting to:

    a) stick with a product you're comfortable with
    b) fail to realise that you can in fact still acquire prior versions of suitable operating systems
    c)  fail to check the compatibility of the above PLUS other software being dependent upon for emailing, printing, integrating to other packages and so forth.
    d)  yet are coerced into acquiring a particular combination......

    We're keen to demonstrate, with IDEAS pages (on this forum, on BLOGS and our websites), that some pre-purchase / pre-update checking is needed, when introducing one more aspect of the jigsaw puzzle.

    So, I was keen to follow up on any confusion perceived on the APPROACH that should be taken in acquiring computers, to suit a business application needed.  Too many buy the equipment and try to shoehorn the necessary application.  It must be done the other way round.

    Here's the summary:   http://www.alchester.com.au/contributing-to-reckon-community-support/


  • Chris K
    Chris K Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited February 2016

    With regard to the questions you posed. The old machine was running XP. With  
    constant crashes and the hard drive disappearing, black screens and failing to  
    boot, this would be unacceptable in any environment.
    The obvious choice was to replace the unreliable machine.
    It came with Windows 7. It didn't make sense to use a windows version that will  
    soon be unsupported and so it makes greater sense if you are starting from scratch  
    to use the latest operating System. Yes even if it is W10.
    We already had trouble getting drivers for some of the peripherals we had  
    connected to XP.
    Forget using dual boot, that might be OK for the computer nerd but not in an  
    office environment. We had a version of Quickbooks that did everything that we  
    wanted, so it made perfect sense to continue with it.

    The need to move from XP to something newer was imperative it wasn't that we just  
    wanted to upgrade for the sake of it.

    I have seen a forum survey where only just over 8 percent are accessed by XP machines, doesn't this tell one that XP is no longer an operating system to continue with, its almost 20 years old. 

    The reason for me asking the question in the first place was to get some  
    assistance to whether it was possible to have QB working on W10. The first reply  
    from Toni was what I expected but there some clever people out there that may have  a solution.  No harm in asking.

    By the way Robert you may be interested with these web sites to get rid of that  
    annoying window.


    You mentioned that you got it going but not 100%. What is not working. With W10 I  
    found that Company Navigator lacked the relevant information. 

    Chris K
  • gazza73
    gazza73 Accredited Partner Posts: 713 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited December 2016
    Terrific reply - thanks Chris K.  

    The Win10 concerns relate to the issue of having to run outside the safety of avoiding being an administrator,  which many articles are discussing on this forum.    That opens the door to so much oof the malware infections these days too, and this is what is the back of my mind when I guide people to thinking about compatibility and security I suppose.  We've got people staying Win7-64bitPro/RA2015R2 until RA2016 is proven to run in normal user mode in later operating systems.  On top of that is the choice of Office 20xx,  ie:  2013 Office seems a better fit to get around invoicing and PDF handling for instance.

    I wish yo well with your pursuit, and hope any queries can still be satisfied by advocates on this forum fir you.


  • ejbousset
    ejbousset Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited October 2017

    Hoping my little extreme case might help, here we go:
    - QB Premier 2008 (original CD)
    - Brand new laptop with W10
    - French laptop from ASUS (I’ve relocated in France few years ago).
    - Launching the install.exe thing: I got immediately some sort of abend (C++ message) preventing from continuing any further.
    I went onto the web (French articles) and found a very simple and, I might say, surprising trick that worked for me, indeed  Sourire
    -> Just disconnect from the web, wire, WIFI, and you might be OK now Sourire
    Good luck.
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