AGL changes code from AGK back to AGL
AGL has this week changed it's code from AGK back to AGL, which was the code back in 2006.
As I have price records for both AGK and AGL in my .qph database, what is going to happen if I try to change my active AGK listing to AGL, when there are prices for code AGL up to 26/10/2006.
The normal response would be to replicate all AGK prices as AGL prices, but an ex company record for AGL already exists.
Can the .qph record structure cope with this ?
Hi John, I've sent this up to our developers (well down, as they are a few floors below me). They've come with a few questions, as to ascertain the exact outcome your are looking for.
Is this stock price history only? (ie do buy/sell etc. transactions exist or are you only tracking prices?).
Does you want to keep the older prices under AGK and/or AGL?
Best idea is for yourself to backup your data and experiment. Make sure you back up and review the before and after data, by printing reports etc. The process is below (see images). By backing up, if you are unhappy with the outcome you can always go back.
Also, If your address the questions above and advise what outcome you are looking to achieve, I can send it off to the devs to do test with the software, to work out what can be done.
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Thanks for replying to this post.
I am worried about share price history and how RPP manages the re-use of an old code (security symbol).
My .qph file has a company record for security symbol AGK which was the code change for AGL in 2006.
I have a company record for security symbol AGK and share prices from 15/6/2001 to 21/11/2014.
As AGL changed it's ASX code from AGL to AGK in Oct-2006, this means that there already is a company record and share prices for security symbol AGL in the .qph database for prices I have tracked from 15/6/2001 to 26/10/2006. { which is pretty close to Gavin's problem of 26/08/2006 !!}
My question is: If I now try to change AGL's security symbol from AGK to AGL, will this cause a clash in the way RPP manages these security symbols. Depending on how company security symbols are managed in RPP, there is potential for a problem in re-using an old security symbol.
As for the recommendation for backing up; I would need to back up the whole database, as the company records in the .qph file are related to company information in other files in the database. Once I change the company security symbol, this will change the implied structure of the .qph file. I don't want to introduce this conflict, if I can avoid it first.
For the moment, I am converting new AGL price information to AGK before importing them.
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Interesting I too have owned AGL over that period. I have got entries for AGL from 19 Apr 1999 to 6 Dec 2001 with the identifier code in the reltan dump being S00087. Then I have another lot from 19 Apr 1999 to 11 Oct 2006 with the identifier code being S00083. Then I have AGK from 23 Oct 2006 until 20 Feb 2008 (S00045) I dont know where the rest of the AGK prices have gone but the reltan program could not have found them as they are not in those files but they are in the price history in the program?!
Those duplicated codes are they an example of what you mentioned previously John? (Just quickly looking BHP is also duplicated)
As for whether the program can differentiate multiple identical codes in the database don't know but it might be possible unless that long code at the start of the reltan dump is created by reltan itself??
I also notice some codes have an A: at the start for example A:PTL have you come across that in your file?0 -
There are lots of duplicates of price values, especially at November 2004. It appears that QPP_2005 duplicated all prices when there was an update that changed all the security codes. I had 57 security codes duplicated on 13th November 2004, presumably when I installed QPP_2005.
The example of A:PTL is a legacy of a similar problem when for a while company codes included a country code. I still have A:WSF, A:FIL and O:HHG from 2004.
There is a lot of junk left in the .qph file. As I don't know the relationship between these obsolete security code data sets and the way QPP calculates historical net value, I would not try to clean out the .qph file.
I have made many requests for Reckon to clean this up but there is no response. No response !!
Has anyone got the company statistics in Security Detail View to be updated ? Some of the 52-week stats would be useful, but at present they just sit there highlighting the incomplete development of this product.
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Yes you make a good point about the company stats. What is the point of having all the N/As. Has been that way for ever. Another reason why I have cancelled my annual subscription!0
I am still paying my subscription, but I am not sure what I get for it. I've asked a number of questions on this forum and have had little in return. As for product improvement, I can't remember the last useful change in QPP/RPP. (Does anyone remember?)
I am still running RPP 2013, as given all the reports about 2015 on this forum, I can't see what benefit there is to upgrading. Updated tax codes that I found of minimal use.
I've written my own share price update system so I don't have to worry about poor service. Fancy not being able to supply complete data for the 2 days that were lost.
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Is there any reply to my question ?
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