Error in Super Pay : Fund ABN missing
Am I blind, cant find where to fill in the Employee Super Fund ABN in Super details. The report got uploaded to NAB super pay but error occurred "Fund ABN missing". I have filled in the Usid.
Another error is ABN and USI mismatch. Cant understand what's wrong. Please help
Check in the supplier you set up for the super fund maybe. it is under additional info. Tax reg id0
Hey Atiya, you must have a Super Item created for that Super Fund – and the correct one selected in the Employee Record - In the Super Item setup, will ask for the Super Fund – and it will create a supplier by that name.
In the Supplier setup, Additional Information, Tax Reg ID, enter the ABN.
The report still has a number of empty columns, but that does not really seem to matter.
Looks like Fund email not required if an APRA fund.
Action:- Ensure details complete for
- Super Item for this Fund
- Super on Employee record
- Details on Supplier Record
- Open the paycheque
- Unlock it
- Delete and re-enter the super Item
- Save.
If anyone has any other suggestions/workarounds they would be greatly appreciated.
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Thanks Mirko
I have casual, part time and full time employees with roughly 12 different super funds. Does that mean I have to create a super supplier/item for each individual separately. For example there are employees with REST super, some of them are casuals so threshold applies to them and some part time or full time, meaning that for each super Fund I have to have three categories within i.e. Rest super FT, Rest Super Cas and so on.
Kind reagrds
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The threshold applies no matter what type of employee they are.0
No we don't apply basic threshold of $ 450 for Part time or full time. So does that mean there has to be two items for each Super Fund one casual and one PT/Full time.
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we only have one setup .0
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