Reckon Accounts 2016 - multi-user server port issue

John_8166729 Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member
edited October 2024 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
I've got a configuration with a dedicated server install and a number of client installs. It was working fine in 2015, but after upgrading to 2016 I've encountered H202 errors on the client side when connecting to the server in multi-user mode.

I've updated all the firewall rules and permissions etc as is always required when moving to the new version, and I've come across something that's a bit strange:

In the .nd files that are created by the QBServerUtilityMgr it points to the correct server, engine, and path (and also recognises that the server is running in the Database server tab), but it specifies port 10160. 

The listening port (shown in resourcemonitor) for QBDBMgrN running on the server is 10178, but I would have expected the normal +1 to the port number after every version update.

Manually editing the .nd file to point to port 10178 or 10179 doesn't solve the issue.

I've done a bunch of rebooting and clean installs on both server and clients to no avail; I can't find any configuration settings left over that would specify the older ports either.

Any ideas what to try next?


  • Spilly
    Spilly Member Posts: 182 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited August 2020
    Mapped network drive on client pc with server pc login details from client pc > server pc, working with read write permissions?
  • Spilly
    Spilly Member Posts: 182 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited August 2020
    the upgrades I've done have been faultless, except you need to add the folder/file where the QBW files are located to the Database Server Manager. After the upgrade.?
  • Graham Boast
    Graham Boast Accredited Partner Posts: 331 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited December 2017
    Hi John

    It seems as if we have had similar experiences today.  Reckon Tech Support have advised that this fixes the problem, but I won't be able to confirm it until tomorrow...

    When you install on a dedicated server, you come up to the screen that has three options: from memory it is something like install reckon accounts and database server; install reckon accounts only; install database server only. 

    you need to choose the 1st option here, even though logically the 3rd is the obvious "correct" option. You don't need to register Reckon Accounts - I don't think you need to even start it.

    As you have already installed on the server, perhaps uninstall it and reinstall as per above.

    It would probably be worthwhile deleting the .nd files and rescanning too.  Also check the firewall (it is now port 10179) and also make sure QBwhateverUser25 has read/write access to the folder.

    I will post my results here tomorrow.  Please post an update with your findings too.

    Graham Boast  0409317366
    Reckon Accredited Consultant 

    Graham Boast | 0409 317366 |

  • John_8166729
    John_8166729 Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited April 2016
    Drives aren't mapped, haven't ever had to do that before. The server is hosting the domain controller that all of the clients are connected to; they definitely have permissions/access.
  • John_8166729
    John_8166729 Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited April 2016
    Yeah, I've added the folders and scanned. Adding the folders to the database manager is how the new .nd files get populated.

    Thanks for the suggestions but unfortunately this isn't the issue either
  • John_8166729
    John_8166729 Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited April 2016
    Bingo, this fixed the issue.

    Uninstalling the server only version and reinstalling with client + server changes the listening port to 10179.

    I deleted and recreated the .nd files with QBServerUtilityMgr.

    Interestingly the .nd file still points to port 10160 after QBServerUtilityMgr runs, but after opening the company file on one of the client computers the .nd is updated to port 10179. This means that deleting and rescanning to create new .nd files is probably unnecessary as they're not actually being produced differently by the utility in this case.

    You're correct- I didn't even start the reckon accounts client on the server.

    Thanks a lot for this solution.
  • Graham Boast
    Graham Boast Accredited Partner Posts: 331 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited April 2016
    Love to claim the credit, but Shane Brown in the Professional Partners Technical Support came up with the solution.  My client from yesterday is also reporting success with this method for the H202 error.


    Graham Boast | 0409 317366 |

  • Spilly
    Spilly Member Posts: 182 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited April 2016
    The reason mine have been faultless, we run client on the server for TS and file administration tasks as the take to long over network connections.

    netstat -ab would of explained the issue, shame on Reckon for releasing untested installations, because that is why this happened.

    port redirection would be a faster fix?

    Glad you got the fix.
  • Paul Zamuner
    Paul Zamuner Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited May 2016
    This fixed the problem for me too. Every year there seems to be a different issue when the latest version comes out. I lost a couple days this time before eventually tracking down that the new port 10179 the client was trying to connect to the server on was not matching the server listening port 10178.
    Luckily I thought to check what port the client was trying to use and the server was listening on and then a google search brought me here. Thanks for posting up the solution
    In the past I have always selected the Install Company File Server Only option and never had this issue.
    This is one too many times Reckon has cost me a lot of time. Next time renewal is due it will be time to change to another accounting software package.
  • Jeff_8318066
    Jeff_8318066 Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited July 2016
    Uninstalling the Company File Server and reinstalling with Reckon Accounts + Company File Server fixed the issue for me too.   I also found the server was listening on port 10178 when the clients where trying to contact the server on 10179 (as the 2016 version should).  After installing the combined product the server is now listening on 10179.  I also have not actually opened Reckon on the server - I just started the service for the Database Server Manager and did the scan.

    I wasted a couple of days on this trying to work out which of my users had turned on Hosting within their profile.

    It's really not good enough that every version of Quickbooks and then every version of Reckon that I have touched in the last 5 years has had some weird anomaly that caused grief during the upgrade.
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